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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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With a laugh, JP just shrugged. “Sorry. Forgot you can’t joke around, either.”

“I smile, and I fucking laugh, and make jokes, so drop it.”

He’d done both with Mickie in the past week, more than once. He’d also come so hard he saw stars. But more than that, he’d had fun with her. Narrowing his eyes, he tried to remember the last time he let go and had fun like he did baking with Mickie. Hell, maybe JP was on to something and he had been on the grumpy side lately. Not that he’d ever give his brother the satisfaction of letting him think he was right.

“Guess I’ll take your word for it, ’cause I sure as fuck never see it.” JP reached for the adjustment lever on the side of the passenger’s seat, cranked it, and reclined halfway back. With a sign of bliss, he closed his eyes and folded his tattooed hands on his stomach. All of them had ink, but JP’s body was more of a canvas than all the rest of them combined.

“Sure, have a nap. I’ll get us there.”

“Thanks, bro. I was up late with Karina.”

The man got around more than a fucking germ. “Who’s Karina?”

Eyes still shut, JP shrugged. “Met her at the bar. Should have seen the ass on this one, man. Mmm.” He lifted his arms and mimicked a squeezing motion with his hands. “Grade fucking A. Swear to Christ, I left teeth marks on that peach.”

“You’re the reason women think men are pigs. You know that, right?”

The scenery grew more rural the further they drove from town. Usually, a drive like this mellowed Keith, but he’d been antsy as hell since fucking Mickie against the windows in the lobby of his garage. Nothing, not even the decathlon of jerking off he’d engaged in since, had chilled him out. At least six or seven times over the past two days he’d picked up the phone to call her, but pussied out. What would be the point? She was rich, classy, way out of his league. The only reason they’d fucked was because of the adrenalin rush and stress of his asshole father scaring her. It’s not like they’d be riding off into the sunset together. She’d find a man more suitable. Just as Della had done.

“Not true at all. Women love me. My cards are on the table every time. They know what they’re getting from me. Multiple orgasms and a perfect dick.”

“Jesus.” Keith shook his head as he worked to block out the memory of Mickie coming on his dick. Fuck, she’d been hotter than any one woman should be. The contrast of the classy woman when clothed and the wild one when when naked drove him crazy with want.

“Hey, just because you live like a fucking monk doesn’t mean the rest of us humans do. Women leave me with a smile on their face and a little hobble in their walk if you know what I mean.”

“Yeah, pretty sure I can figure it out. You’re about as subtle as a kick to the nuts.”

“Good. Then stop whining and let me sleep for the next few minutes before we get to our destination.”

“Apple picking. Can’t believe I agreed to this shit,” Keith grumbled under his breath.

Smirking, JP said, “You’ll be glad once we get there. Trust me.”

The words trust me coming from JP’s mouth were pretty much an order to do the exact opposite. Suspicion slithered up Keith’s spine. “Why?” Apple picking was a tradition they’d been upholding since Keith was in his single digits. Even though all six of them didn’t usually make it, at least a few of them were there each year to honor something their mother had loved so much.

They’d loved it, too. She’d made everything fun even if they never had enough money to buy mor than a few apples. But no matter what, no matter how bad things got at home or how tight money was, she always made sure her kids had an apple donut and some cider on those chilly fall days.

Those good memories were few and far between but powerful enough they continued the tradition.

“Hmm? No reason.” JP was a shit liar, mostly because he couldn’t keep a straight face if offered a million bucks.

“Did you guys do something? What did you do?” After a quick glance in the rear-view mirror revealed they were alone on the rural road, Keith braked to a full stop. “I’m turning the fuck around unless you tell me right now what I’m walking into.”

“Christ, Dad, you’re such a buzz kill.” JP finally opened his eyes and glared at Keith with annoyance. “What, are you afraid of? That you might actually have five minutes of fun?”

He’d had five minutes of fun the other night, and now his head was all screwed up, so yeah, that argument wouldn’t work.

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