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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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“Pfft,” Ronnie said with a shake of her head. “I’m out. My legs are shot, and it’ll be dark soon. I’m so not in the mood to get lost in the corn. I need a cold beer and a hot soak in the tub.”

“Yeah, I’m out too, sorry, Mick. I got a sweet little treat waiting for me at home,” JP added.

“What? You just ate like nine hundred donuts. How could you possibly want more?” The wrinkle in her nose had Keith wanting to kiss it smooth.

“He’s not referring to food,” Ronnie stage whispered. “He means a woman. He’s got some date waiting for him to disappoint her.”

“Excuse me, I’ve never disappointed a woman in my life,” JP said with a laugh though he made no attempt to deny the fact he was meeting up with someone random for a little naked fun. He made a grab for Ronnie, who laughed as she jumped out of the way.

“Yeah, and I drove you and Ronnie, so…maybe we can come back another time,” Jagger added.

“Oh, man. All right, next time.” Mickie’s shoulders slumped as she started toward Jagger’s car.

Don’t offer. Don’t offer. It’s a mistake.

“I’ve got nothing going on the rest of the evening. Why doesn’t JP ride back with Jag and Ronnie, and I’ll take you home? We can hit the maze before we leave.”

And you did it.

“Really?” Her face lit up, which silenced his inner voice. Who could regret putting that happy sparkle in her eyes?


“Oh, thank you!” She launched herself into his arms, and this time, there wasn’t a hint of discomfort in the embrace. Hell, she squeezed so hard, she’d have made him yelp if he’d been Ronnie’s size. Too bad for all the layers keeping him from experiencing the full press of her tits against him.

Ugh. He was such a perv. Kids mingled all around, and he wanted nothing more than to toss Mickie in the back of his truck and make her scream so loud the apples fell off the trees.

“Why are you so into this anyway?” he asked, hoping to distract himself from the image of her writhing in the bed of his pickup.

Still smiling, she shrugged. “Never done it before. Just excited to collect a new experience.”

“Guess we’ll see you around midnight after you finally find your way out of that thing,” Ronnie said with a snort. She moved in to give Mickie then him a hug, and after saying goodbye to the rest, he was left alone with the woman who’d constantly invaded his mind the past three days.

Their gazes met and the air thickened with tension, even though they stood in the wide-open country. Shit. Maybe this had been a terrible idea. Remembering that they hadn’t spoken since the night he fucked her stupid against the window of his shop might have been helpful two minutes ago before he ran his mouth about hanging out.


After another thirty seconds of extremely awkward staring, Mickie seemed to shake off her discomfort. Her face brightened, and she held out a hand. “Shall we?”

A challenge. Could he be normal and enjoy their budding friendship or whatever the hell they were to each other without dissecting how they’d pounced on each other three nights ago? Or why she ran out afterward?

Well, far be it from him to turn down a dare. He threaded his fingers through hers and gritted his teeth to ignore the now familiar energy that accompanied her touch. “Lead the way.”


MICKIE DIDN’T CARE about the corn maze. Not one single bit. Sure, she’d been curious when they’d first arrived as she’d never participated in something like this before, but she could have easily hopped in the car and headed back home. In fact, being as cold and tired as she was, she’d have preferred it.

So why was she trekking along on a narrow passageway between stalks of corn?

Well, that would be because of the sexy man with the rough yet gentle hand holding hers. Something had to give between them if she wanted to continue her friendship with his family, and she did. Since she’d moved to town, she’d assumed he couldn’t stand her. Then they’d had a semi-bonding morning in her kitchen, then a terrifying encounter with his father resulting in insane sex, after which she’d run like a scared rabbit. So what did that make them now? Friends Neighbors? Acquaintances?

Hopefully, friends. Or if not, maybe spending some non-sexual hang-out time would get them there. She had no intention of delving into the reasons she’d hightailed it out of his garage without even getting her shoes all the way on. They needed to move forward as friends and forget what happened the other night.

That second part was easier said that done with the feel of his rough palm against hers. It only served to remind her of how his hands felt on her skin.

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