First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1) - Page 64

That’d teach her to be brag about her navigation skills.

KEITH WAS COLD, hungry, tired, the sun was setting, and they were lost as fuck. Were he with anyone else, he’d have been grumpy and bordering on hangry. But Mickie’s laughter and lighthearted acceptance of their screwed-up situation had him not caring one bit about any of those irritants. In fact, he was having fun.

Having fun with the rich woman who didn’t bitch about being cold, was thrilled to tromp through a goddammed cornfield, and who acted like their sleepy little town was a hidden paradise.

Who on earth was this woman, and why did she appeal to him so much when her type typically had him running in the opposite direction? Maybe it was the eager way she soaked up new experiences. Or the way he respected her fight to gain control of her life. Or the bond they shared, both having had their lives negatively affected by the loss of a mother at a young age. Whatever it was, he wanted her for more what was beneath her clothing.

“Okay,” she said, straightening after a solid few minutes of hilarity during which he took the time to get his bearings. “I have control of myself now.”

He smirked. What a loaded statement considering the way they’d both thrown control out the window the other night.

Her cheeks grew even pinker, and she slapped his shoulder. “You know what I mean. I’m done laughing and ready to head back in there and figure out where we went wrong. Do you think we’re directly on the other side of the maze?”

Nodding, he scratched his beard. At least he had the hair to keep his face warm. Mickie had to be freezing. “That’s exactly what I think, and we’re probably better off just walking the perimeter instead of getting lost in there again.”

Mickie pouted. “Oh, come on, party pooper. Where’s your sense of adventure?” Her eyes twinkled and lips twitched with delight.

He raised an eyebrow. “Seriously? You want to go back in there and hike around until we collapse from hunger and dehydration or freeze to death?”

With a laugh, she shook her head, sending her hair swirling around her face. “Hell, no. I was just messing with you. Perimeter walk sounds good to me, followed by a greasy cheeseburger and fries. My treat since I dragged you in here. You game?”

He was unable to do anything but stare at her. She had to be even colder than he was and just as hungry, but her good mood remained, and she even appeared to be having fun.

Guess that made two of them.

“Hello, Keith? Did your brain freeze?” She patted his cheeks then let out a little moan. “Oh, your face is warm. How is that even possible?” Now she was practically petting him, rubbing her hands over his beard, which instantly made his cock hard. It’d been halfway there since she removed the leaves from his hair, but now it throbbed. If this went on much longer, the constriction in his jeans would make it impossible to walk.

Before he gave his brain a chance to remind him how stupid this was, he grabbed her upper arms and yanked her close, crushing his mouth to hers.

She let out a surprised little squeak before sinking into the kiss with as much enthusiasm as he did. Her lips were icy cold against his, as was her nose, but her tongue was warm, and the contrast had him delving even deeper into her mouth. She tasted sweet and fresh as though she’d been popping mints, but it was merely the clean air and time outdoors combined with the sugary apple donuts.

In a bold move, Mickie sucked on his tongue, moaned, and then pressed against him. He punched his hips forward, letting her feel his hardness and giving her no doubt as to what he wanted from her.

When she arched into him, he ripped his mouth away. “Get on the ground,” he ordered around his labored breath.

She was huffing and puffing as well. A sly smile curled her lips. “Right here? On this dusty farm ground?” she asked, indicating the half-dirty, half-straw ground beneath their feet.

His cock pulsed in time with his rapidly beating heart. “I know you now, Mickie. You can’t pretend you don’t like it a little dirty.”

Though the temperature continued to drop, he yanked his sweatshirt over his head then spread it on the ground. “M’lady,’ he said, indicating her makeshift blanket.

“Romantic,” she said with a wink, but her voice had thickened with desire. She was right there with him, wanting this as much as he did. Slowly, she lowered herself down to his sweatshirt. With her knees bent, she propped herself up in her elbows and gave him the sexiest come hither look he’d ever seen. Even with layers of clothing and a damn wool hat, the woman was so effortlessly sexy, he couldn’t stand it.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Blue Collar Bensons Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024