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First Comes Loathe (Blue Collar Bensons 1)

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“Clearly, I can’t fund this on my own. I’d like to offer my siblings the opportunity to buy in so it’s a family project. But even if they all do, with the plans I’m projecting, we won’t have enough. I’ve also spoken with a few banks about getting a loan, which is the route I’ll choose if you aren’t interested. So yes, I’m asking for an investor, but I’m hoping for more than that. I’m hoping for an active business partner. And I’d like it to be you.”

“Oh, really?” Mickie’s jaw dropped. “Seriously?”

Ronnie grabbed her hands. “Mickie, you know luxury. You know wealth. You know, high-end style. You know what the ultra-rich want.” She waved her hand around. “You’ve done an incredible job with this place. I want you to help me design and run it. You could make it beautiful and lavish without being gaudy or ostentatious. I want to go all out for each and every holiday in a big way without being tacky or cheesy. You could do that. My dream is to draw people for the ambiance and gourmet food as much as for the skiing. I want the place to stand on its own and be draw for the area during the tourist season.”

The idea was remarkable, to say the least. As Mickie sifted through the well-organized pages of Ronnie’s detailed binder, her heart raced. She loved this. More than loved it. A chance to make things beautiful, elegant, expensive, and enticing to others. The ability to change it up and continuously utilize her creative side. She’d want to be involved in all of it. The day-to-day management as well as the design elements. She and Ronnie could be full-fledged partners.

Her silence must have made Ronnie apprehensive because her friend fiddled with the sleeves of her oversized sweatshirt. “I know the start-up cost would be huge. But there are ways to keep it manageable. Jagger would do all the construction work, Ian and Jimmy will be getting out of the military soon and looking for work. They can be involved. I’d love for this to be a family business where we—”

“Ronnie,” she said, placing a hand on her friend’s arm.

The chatter stopped. Ronnie chewed her bottom lip. “Yeah?”

Mickie couldn’t contain her grin. “This idea is…I can’t even think of a word to tell you how much I love it.”

“Really?” Ronnie asked on an exhale. “You think it’s good?”

Mickie shook her head. “No, I think it’s phenomenal. And I want in. In every way possible.”

Ronnie let out the most un-Ronnie squeal, which had Mickie laughing and doing a bit of squealing herself.

“Oh, my God!” Ronnie said. She launched herself at Mickie, and they hugged while laughing and rocking and back and forth. “This is the best thing that’s ever happened to me. Do you really mean it?” She pulled back, a hint of vulnerability back in her gaze.

“I mean it, Ronnie. Look at what you’ve done here.” She lifted the binder. “You’re going to be a fantastic business owner, and this is going to be the best place to stay in the entire nation by the time we’re done with it.”

With a hand on her chest, Ronnie beamed. “My heart is beating so fast I think I’m going into cardiac arrest. I was so nervous. Seriously, I’ve been planning this for over a year and a half. It’s…” Her voice cracked. “It’s become my dream. And my best friend is going to help me make it come true.”

The tip of Mickie’s nose tingled. “Ronnie, stop. You’re gonna make me cry.”

“Too late,” Ronnie warned as she sniffed. “So much for being a girl boss. Shit, good thing the guys aren’t here. They’d never let me hear the end of it.” Wiping under her eyes, she let out a watery laugh.

“Have you mentioned any of this to them?”

“Nope. None of it. I wanted to secure funding so they wouldn’t roll their eyes and pat my head.”

“Damn, you’re a good secret keeper, girl.”

Ronnie winked. “Tell me about it. I’m a vault. Lucky for you, right?”

With a laugh, Mickie nodded. “Seriously.” At first, she’d been itchy and uncomfortable with the fact that people knew who she was. Even the friends she trusted. Now, with the passage of time, she’d relaxed and even enjoyed the occasional joke about her identity. None of the Bensons would ever blab, and they were a group who ribbed each other about everything. She’d grown to realize teasing was the way they expressed love for each other, odd as it was.

“I think the next thing to do is set a meeting with Jagger and start ironing out construction plans.”

“Well, I think we need to put an offer on the place first.” Mickie raised an eyebrow.

Ronnie’s cheeks pinked. “Oh, yeah, that might be important. What—”

A loud crash from outside had both of them jumping to their feet. “What the?” Ronnie asked as she darted toward the door. Before Mickie had the chance to shout a warning of caution, Ronnie swung the door open and peered outside. “Oh, hell.”

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