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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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“Calm down,” Steph whispered harshly against Shell’s ear. “He won’t hurt her. He’s just feeling shit out.”

With her heart running wild, Shell nodded but stayed ready to attack if necessary. Badass bikers or not, she’d rip all of them to shreds if they laid a finger on her daughter.

“What’s your name?” Crank asked as he crouched to a squat, peering under the table into Beth’s hiding spot.

She frowned and shook her head. “You’re a stranger.”

“Very smart. Your mom taught you that, huh?” he asked as he looked over his shoulder at Shell.

“Yes. She said don’t tell my name to strangers.”

“Well, how about this, I don’t need to know your name, but I do need your help. Your mommy’s right there, so it’s okay.”

Shell wanted to scream at her daughter to stay quiet, but would that only make things worse?

God, how she wished her ol’ man was there at the moment. She’d agree to any damn thing he wanted if he’d just appear.

Beth frowned. “Okay,” she said.

“Do you know who the Hell’s Handlers are?”

Beth shot him a wary look. “Yes. I know all of them.”

“How do you know them?”

“They are my family,” she said with a small smile as she seemed to forget the rule of not talking to strangers. “My daddy is in charge. He’s the president!”

Out of the mouths of babes. Shell’s eyes fell closed as her stomach hit the floor.

“Thank you, you’ve been a big help. You tell your mommy you deserve a treat, okay?”

Beth crawled out from her spot under the table. Crank extended a hand, and Beth happily took it. Shell’s eyes nearly fell out of her head. They’d be having another conversation about strangers only this time it’d be ten times more serious.

One of Crank’s men hovered by the exit while the other moved toward the hallway leading out of the dining area. Had they been dumb enough to try to run, their exits were blocked. Steph still held Shell’s arm, and Shell could feel Toni’s presence behind her, still near the booth.

“Mommy, did you hear that? Can I have a treat for helping the man?” Her eyes held a hopeful light.

Shell opened her mouth, but nothing came out as all the saliva dried right up. Instead, she nodded at her daughter.

“Here, mommy,” Crank said, extending his and Beth’s joined hand toward Shell. “Come get your little princess.”

“Calm,” Steph murmured as she released Shell.

Feeling as though she was walking into a trap, Shell stepped forward until she could reach her daughter. Sweat slicked her palms, so she rubbed them on her jeans. Instead of handing Beth over, Crank leaned in and whispered against her ear. “I want to talk to your ol’ man.” He held up a folded slip of paper between his second and third fingers, then stuck it into the front pocket of Shell’s jeans. The moment his hands touched her, she stiffened and squeezed her eyes shut. “Have him call me.” Then he pressed a lingering kiss to her cheek before passing Beth off to her. “Don’t recommend he waits too long.”

“Be seeing ya,” he said as he strode for the door. The men with him trailed right behind.

As soon as the bell rang out, indicating their departure, Shell’s knees buckled. Thankfully, Steph had rushed over and shoved a chair under her ass before she could hit the ground.

“I’m not explaining it over the phone, Copper,” Steph said into her phone. “Just get to the diner now.” There was a pause in which Steph shook her head. “No, I promise your girls aren’t hurt or in danger. Just freaked. But we’ve got some shit to tell you. Okay, see you soon.” Steph hung up then looked down at Shell. “He’s on his way. Zach too.”

Shell just nodded, but Toni blew out a shaky breath then said, “Thanks, Steph. You are one cool customer under pressure.” As she spoke, she scooped Beth up and carried her toward the kitchen. “I think this calls for some ice cream, what do you think, Bethy?” Her voice quivered, but she seemed to be holding up.

God love the woman for realizing the need for a distraction.

“Is that my treat?” Beth asked.

“Um, sure!”

They disappeared into the kitchen, leaving Steph and Shell alone. “You okay?” Steph asked.

Shell released what felt like a gallon of air. “Yeah, uh, I think so. Guy just scared the shit out of me.” She ran a hand through her hair, needing something to do with herself.

“Yeah,” Steph said, keeping her attention on the parking lot. “Never ends, does it?”

“Doesn’t seem to.” Saying the words out loud had a profound sadness rising up in Shell.

As they waited for the cavalry to arrive, her gaze drifted toward the kitchen. Just when they crawled out of the darkness, new storm clouds rolled in.

Her hand fell to her stomach.

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