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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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“No point in revisiting it, babe. Shit’s about to get rough around here. Can’t be worrying about a baby while I’m fighting a war.”

“It’s that bad?” She stood in the middle of his office, looking so small and vulnerable.

“Probably gonna get there.”

She pressed her lips together, then nodded. “Whatever you think is best, Copper. I trust you.” Her voice grew flat. Lifeless.

After she spoke, she climbed back into his lap and rested her head on his shoulder.

She was there, saying all the right things, touching him as usual, yet Copper couldn’t help but feel distance grow between them.

Even though he expected it, tried to plan for it in his head, he’d fucking crumble if she walked away from him. Shell was a good woman and an even better ol’ lady. She’d stick this crisis out. Stand by him through the coming months and impending storm. If he were a better man, he’d free her now. Give her an out and a chance to live her life. But he was a selfish fucker.

She pulled back. “I’m gonna get Beth home. Think she’s had enough for one day.” After a quick kiss to his cheek, she hopped off his lap and hurried out of the office.

The fuck?

Not once since they’d gotten together had either of them walked out of the room without a real fucking lip lock. Even when they’d been pissed at each other or in the midst of a fight. A proper goodbye was just their thing. And now he got a peck on the cheek?

Was it the beginning of the end? Maybe. Something was off with his woman.

Something that could be a fiercer enemy than the Chrome Disciples.



Holly glanced around the decorated clubhouse then let out a sigh. The place was an explosion of stereotypical baby shower decorations. Storks, elephants, rattles. Poor Izzy.

Speaking of the guest of honor, Holly caught sight of her and couldn’t help her hearty laugh. Izzy sat sprawled in a chair Shell had done up to look like some kind of frilly throne complete with pink and blue streamers, tulle, and helium-filled balloons. Izzy’s scowl left no doubt as to how she felt about sitting there, actually, about participating in this baby shower at all.

Yet, even with a sour face, the mom-to-be looked beautiful. She was one of those lucky women who only seemed to gain the baby weight in her stomach. The type that looked the same from behind with just a basketball under their shirt in the front. Now, Izzy’s basketball was gigantic, but still… Holly would probably look like one whale had swallowed another when she got pregnant. And here was kick-ass Izzy who could still model workout wear if she wanted.

“You ready to rock this?” Jazz asked as she wandered over, holding a stack of paper plates. She looked adorable in tight black jeans and a long-sleeved teal blouse.

Holly rolled her eyes. “How exactly did I end up as emcee for this jubilant event?”

“You drew the short straw?” Jazz said with a shrug. “Actually, if I’m being serious, the girls wanted to give you something positive to focus on.”

Ugh, stab to the heart. Holly tried to give her friend a smile, tried to block out the niggle of grief that worked its way under her skin. You’d think after so many years without her sister, this time of year wouldn’t hurt anymore, but every birthday that passed only reminded her of her twin’s tragically short life.

“Thanks,” she said as she bumped Jazz’s shoulder. “You girls are the best.”

“We are, aren’t we?” Jazz asked, giving Holly a cheesy grin.

“Yeah.” And they were. Now her heart clenched for an entirely different reason. How lucky was she to have friends that cared enough to want to keep her mind off sadness? Very lucky.

“Well, I just do what I’m told, and I was told to come over here and let you know we are ready to start.”

“Great,” Holly grumbled. “You know, I’m pretty sure Izzy hates me. Maybe you should do this instead.”

“Nope.” Jazz popped the p and gave a totally unrepentant grin. “I can’t stand being the center of attention. And she doesn’t hate you. She’s told you she likes you before.”

“Well, I don’t like being the center of attention either!” Holly said. Oh whatever, if Izzy already hated her, at least she wouldn’t be losing a friend by emceeing a shower the expectant mother specifically asked not to have. “Ugh, fine,” Holly said, digging down deep for her imitation announcer voice.

“You got this, girl,” Jazz called after her, laughter in her voice.

“Hey, everyone,” She walked to the center of the room as a hush fell over the ladies. “Thank you all for joining us today to honor Izzy. She is thrilled you all came out to celebrate with her.”

“Lies!” Toni called out.

Izzy snorted and flipped her friend the bird.

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