Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 29

Sure enough, after only a minute or two, Crank said, “You gonna fire or what?”

One of Rocket’s shoulders rose then fell.

“Was just enjoying getting to know your woman. She’s quite something. Love all that red hair. She like you to pull it when you’re fucking her?”

Beside her, Rocket tensed but didn’t react in any other outward way, and they were far enough from Crank, the guy probably didn’t even notice a change in Rocket.

But Chloe did. Her man grew more lethal by the second. His insides had to be swirling with fatal rage. Something had to give, or she’d be witnessing a murder.

“She a screamer?” Crank asked next. “Bet Lefty knows the answer to that question.”

Not nearly as stoic as Rocket, Chloe sucked in a sharp breath as her stomach flipped. She needn’t have worried about the sound drawing further attention to herself because, for the first time since she’d met him, Rocket lost his legendary cool. He charged forward so fast, the barrel of his rifle rested between Crank’s eyes before Chloe had a chance to react.

“Say his name again, motherfucker,” Rocket barked as he jammed the gun against Crank’s forehead.

On instinct, Chloe took a step forward, gaze darting around like a ping-pong ball. Rocket would not hesitate to end Crank’s life right then and there. The park might be deserted now, but she doubted it’d stay that way if the loud crack of a rifle split the quiet afternoon. And was Crank even alone? If Rocket fired, would they be swarmed by Crank’s men?

“Rocket,” she called.

He didn’t respond.

“You got a fucking death wish?” Rocket asked Crank.

The other biker just smirked. “You mean like Lefty? You the one who killed him?”

Though he didn’t seem to have heard her, the sound of her calling Rocket’s name must have done something because he was back to waiting Crank out.

Crank took a step back. “You folks have yourself a Merry Christmas. I’d love to stay and chat some more, but you know how it is. Gotta boost my inventory for the after Christmas sales.”

Then, as though there wasn’t a very well loaded gun trained right on him, Crank turned his back and strode into the woods, whistling as he walked. Both she and Rocket remained in place for long seconds until the shrill sounds of Jingle Bells faded into the distance.

Finally, Rocket lowered his weapon and spun toward Chloe. Rolling his right shoulder as though the static position of holding the gun had cramped it, he marched to her. The moment she was within reach, Rocket jerked her into his arms with no finesse. She hit his chest with a thud then lost her breath as his arms banded around her in a vice-grip.

Nothing scared her ol’ man. He’d witnessed the worst of the worst and been a party to acts that made her shudder to think of. To have him bury his face in her neck and squeeze her like he feared she’d slip through his fingers if he loosened his grip had her own protective instincts rushing to the surface.

“Hey,” she whispered against the side of his head as she stroked his back. The soft leather of his Handlers’ jacket warmed her chilly fingers. “I’m okay, Rocket. Swear it.”

“Fuck,” he bit out against her skin. The warmth of his lips brushing her neck sent a shiver that had nothing to do with the cold down her spine.

“Who is he?”

“New club rolled into town a few days ago. They claim they’re settling here.”

“Oh, my God. Seriously? I thought he was just bullshitting me.” She tried to step back, but he held her too tight.

Rocket lifted his head and nodded.

Her mind spun with all the possibilities. “What does that mean?”

“Not sure yet. Nothing good.”

“He knew Lefty.”

Rocket stilled. “He said that.”

Chloe nodded. “Yeah. Said they shared business contacts.”

“Don’t know. Pretty sure he’s moving guns. Scumbags tend to run in the same circles.”

With dread settling low in her gut, she stared at the tree line Crank had faded into.

Pressing his forehead to hers, Rocket said, “Come on. We need to head to the clubhouse to talk to Copper.”

“Okay,” she whispered.

“But first…”

His mouth met hers in a bruising kiss that stole her breath and her mind. The temperature inside her coat shot to near boiling, and all she could think about was shedding the garment. And the rest of her clothing. Too bad they had a good few hours before they could head home.

“Fuck, you scared me, babe.”

Chloe pulled her head back and got a good look at his serious expression. “Why did you come here?”

With a shrug, Rocket grabbed her coffee, then slung an arm around her shoulders and steered them toward the parking lot. “Not sure. My gut has been screaming at me all morning. Since listening to it has saved my ass more times than I can count, I never ignore it. Figured it would calm down if I saw you.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024