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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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Who the hell would have ever thought he’d choose shit like that over a night of partying with his brothers, but he couldn’t think of a better way to spend the night before Christmas.

As the men he wouldn’t see until after Christmas wished him a good holiday as well, and filed out of the chapel, Copper tried to release the tension he’d been carrying since he received the call from Stephanie about the Chrome Disciples.

This had to be it, right? The last challenge he’d have to face this year?

What more could happen before the end of twenty-nineteen?



“Hey, beautiful, can I get you a drink?”

Mamma V looked up into the flirty face of Thunder, one of the prospects nearing his patch-in time. He was an attractive guy for sure. Funny, sexy, snarky. When he first began prospecting, he’d been working as a stripper, but recently gave it up due to scheduling issues with club business, though Cassie was pretty sure he still did some private parties on occasion.

Now, he worked at Zach’s gym alongside Screw as a personal trainer. Good job for the guy, considering he spent all his free time working out anyway.

“Just a bottle of water, sweetie,” she said.

“Water? Come on, Mamma V, it’s Christmas. Live a little.” He winked.

That’s exactly what she was trying to do. Live a little. Actually, a lot. In no way was she ready to cash in her chips just yet. She had so much life left to live. For crying out loud, the guys were just getting started making the next generation of Handlers. How could she miss watching them fumble through parenthood?

“Just water.”

“All right. One bottle of the hard stuff coming up.” He reached into a small refrigerator behind the bar and grabbed a bottle of water. After uncapping it, he slid the bottle a good ten feet down the bar to her without spilling a drop.

With a laugh, Cassie said, “You’ve got some skills.”

“You have no idea.” Another wink. The guy gave them out like Santa distributed presents. To Thunder, flirting was just a primary part of his personality. She was pretty sure he didn’t even realize he laid it on so thick with every woman he came across. Old or young, taken or single, they all got the patented Thunder wink and come-hither grin.

She took a small sip of the water, giving her stomach a chance to let her know if it was going to accept the liquid or not. When it didn’t churn and threaten to expel the bit she’d taken in, she went for more. Finally, after days of crippling nausea, she’d been able to eat some toast at breakfast and keep it down.

Small victories were what her life was all about these days.

“You waiting on your ol’ man?” Thunder asked.

“Yeah, he and I have something to speak to Copper about.”

His eyes narrowed. Thunder was no dummy. He may not have been the most educated of the group, but he had street smarts and well-honed instincts. Made him a valuable asset to the club. “You guys good?” he asked, seeming to assess her with his gaze. “Ain’t splitting up or nothing, are you?”

Cassie laughed. “No, sweetie. We aren’t splitting up. That man wouldn’t survive a day without me.” Now it was her turn to wink.

“Know it,” Thunder said as he wiped out a glass. “So does he. Hell, none of us would survive without you around here.”

She smiled despite the ache in her chest at the thought of not being around. Somehow, she’d managed to avoid truly thinking about the very real possibility of her own death. Probably wasn’t healthy, some kind of denial, but whenever she let the reality of her diagnosis sneak in, fear took over. The terror was so profound, she couldn’t function. So, she’d learned to compartmentalize like a boss over the past few weeks. But then someone like Thunder would make an innocent comment, forcing her to face her own mortality.

She would. She had to. But not until after Christmas. If this was going to be her last December twenty-fifth, she wanted to enjoy it without fear and anxiety. “So what’s new with you, Thunder?”

He studied her for a moment longer as though deciding whether or not to let her get away with the subject change. “Not much, babe, not fucking much.”

She blew out a sigh of relief. “Come on, no special lady for the holidays?”

“Didn’t anyone ever tell you all ladies are special?” Wink.

Cassie laughed. “Oh, you’re good. I can see why you excelled at your job.” Thunder had the magical ability to make each and every woman he came in contact with feel as though she were the queen of the world. That skill had to make him very effective in his former profession.

He tossed the damp bar towel in a dirties bin then leaned his forearms on the bar. “I’m working a bachelorette party tomorrow night. You’re more than welcome to come by and see the real reason I’m so fucking great at my job.”

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