Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 33

Cassie’s face heated. Even though she was more than old enough to be Thunder’s mother, and his flirting was all in good fun, he still managed to make her blush. Despite all her years around the club, she’d never fully gotten used to the way the men were so blatant and free with their sex talk.

“Hey, beautiful,” Viper said as he walked up behind her and circled an arm around her shoulders. “What was it you were offering to show my woman?”

Without thought, she leaned into her husband’s body. The young bucks could flirt with her all they wanted; she wouldn’t trade her old stallion in for all the sexy twenty-somethings in the world. Not for all the money in the world. Not even for a clean bill of health. She’d rather endure misery with Viper than even attempt life without him.

“Uh, nothing, VP. Just playing around.” Thunder lifted his hands and took a step back, but his eyes twinkled with mirth.

Viper mock scowled. “Maybe play with someone your own age, huh?’

“Hey!” Cassie gave him a weak elbow to his still hard stomach. “You saying I’m old?”

With a shake of his head, Viper said, “Nope. Never, baby. Just don’t want this fucker getting any ideas.”

Thunder shrugged with a laugh. “Hey, I know when I’m out-manned. Wouldn’t dream of poaching your woman, VP.” He turned toward the shelves of liquor as the guys leaving church started yelling out drink orders.

“You ready?” Viper whispered in her ear.

She looked up at him. Ready for their world to change yet again? Hell no.

“You’re sure about this?” His last out before they went in and made it official with Copper.

“Yeah, beautiful, I’m sure.”

“I’m sor—”

He kissed her. “What did I tell you about all that?”

“You told me if I said I was sorry one more time, you’d return my Christmas present.” Cassie rolled her eyes. Her husband would never carry through with that threat.

“That’s right. And it’s a good one, too, so keep that pretty trap shut, okay?”

She nodded. If this was what he wanted, and he was confident in his decision, then she’d back him one hundred percent. Every time. “Okay, let’s do it.”

Her handsome gray-haired man gave her his hand and helped her down from the barstool. How he managed to support her on the way to the chapel without making it look like she was weak, she’d never know, but she was grateful for it. Though they owed Copper an explanation, she hadn’t gotten in the headspace to tell the entire club about her diagnosis yet.

With his arm snug around her, they weaved through the men leaving the chapel. Each greeted her with a wave, hug, or kiss on the cheek, so it took long minutes to make it across the room. Copper still sat at the table in the chapel, rubbing his chin, lost in thought. “Everything okay?” Cassie whispered to Viper.

“Some shit going down. Nothing for you to worry about.” When she cast him her well-practiced, nice try look, he chuckled. “I’ll fill you in later. Promise.”

Viper knocked on the frame of the open door. “Got a minute, Cop?” he said.

Copper jolted and straightened as though surprised he’d been caught unaware. “Yeah, come on in.” He waved them in. When Cassie went to hang back, he said, “You too, Cass.”

Not that she hadn’t known she’d be welcome, but technically, un-patched members of the club weren’t permitted in the chapel. That included prospects and women. Now, in reality, she’d been in there a number of times over the years, and Copper would never deny her entrance, but she wanted to give him the respect of understanding how the place worked. Little quirks she’d had to learn all about when she’d become Viper’s ol’ lady a lifetime ago.

“What’s up?” Copper asked. “Sit, hon,” he said to Cassie. “Haven’t seen you in a bit.”

His keen eye took her in, probably calculating how much weight she’d lost in the three weeks since she’d seen him. “Yeah, sorry I’ve been kinda MIA recently.”

“You go to Izzy’s shower? I didn’t see you there.”

“For a bit,” she said as she settled into a chair opposite the table from Copper. Viper sat next to her and took her hand.

Copper narrowed his eyes. “Shit, why do I have the feeling you guys are about to tell me something I don’t wanna hear?”

Viper sighed, and it was heavy with the weight of their burdens. Cassie wanted to cry for her strong man. Amazing didn’t begin to describe the incredible care he’d taken of her since she’d gotten sick. He’d pulled out all the stops to not only make her feel better but be secure in the fact that he was right where he wanted to be. By her side.

Didn’t keep the guilt at bay, but it made each day a little more bearable.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024