Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 34

“Sorry, I’ve been less than reliable lately, prez,” her husband said.

Copper’s eyebrows drew down. “No apology necessary, Viper. I’ve always known I can fucking count on you. This club can count on you. Talk to me.”

Viper cast a glance her way, and her heart clenched. She squeezed his hand while giving him a small nod. “Cass is sick,” he said, voice catching on the word sick.

Copper’s eyes widened and his gaze shifted to her. “Is it serious?”

“Cancer,” she whispered with a nod.

“Oh fuck, Cassie.” Copper’s shoulders sagged and he ran a hand down his face. “Tell me.”

After clearing her throat, she continued. “Lymphoma. I’ve had two rounds of chemo treatments so far, and they’re pretty much wrecking me.” Her nervous chuckle had Copper frowning as he shook his head.

“Why didn’t you say anything before now? Shit, brother,” he looked to Viper. “We coulda been helping out. I know the ladies would have made you an army of food and helped with anything you guys need at home.”

Viper opened his mouth, but Cassie beat him to it. “That’s on me. I asked him to keep it quiet for a while. I don’t want to be responsible for ruining everyone’s Christmas. I’ll tell the club, I promise, but not until after the holidays. Please,” she added since Copper looked like he wanted to argue.

He blew out a breath. “Fuck. You know Shell’s gonna have my ass when she realizes I kept this from her, right?”

That finally had Cassie laughing for real. She folded her hands in front of herself. “I promise to take the blame.”

With a snort, Copper said, “Won’t matter, Mama V. You know that woman thinks of you as a second mother. And a grandma to Beth. She ain’t gonna be happy to be kept out of the loop.”

“I know how she thinks of me. And I know how much I love her and Beth,” Cassie whispered. “Which is why I don’t want to destroy their Christmas. You know this news would put a dark cloud over the day. Let them have it and be happy before they have to be sad.”

“All right,” Copper said after a moment. His voice sounded thick with sorrow. This was why she’d wanted to keep quiet. This blanket of despair that would be over all of them from now on. “I’ll keep my trap shut on one condition.”

Cassie raised an eyebrow.

“You tell me the moment you need anything. Any fucking thing, you get me?”

God, she loved this patchwork family pieced together with people from all walks of life, with difficult pasts and uncertain futures.

“We get ya, prez. Which brings me to the other reason we wanted to talk to you.”

Copper shifted his attention to Viper. Cassie’s heart beat so hard, she expected one of the men to hear it. This was the right decision; in her heart she knew it, but God, how she didn’t want to hear Viper’s next words.

Words she felt so responsible for and knew would hurt him, though he’d die before admitting it to her.

“I need to step down as VP.”

Knife to the heart. Not everyone knew Viper’s story. How he’d come to live in Townsend and be part of the Handlers, but it had been a long and hard journey for her husband. For both of them. They both loved this club, this life more than they could express. Walking away, in any form, had to be killing her man.

Copper didn’t respond. No words, not so much as a flicker across his face. In fact, he stayed quiet so long, Viper began to squirm.

“Look, prez, I know this is the worst fucking timing with the Chrome Disciples—”

Copper stood and extended his hand across the table. “No explanation necessary, brother. You take care of yours, and the club will take care of you.”

As her eyes threatened to overflow, Cassie looked away. The tip of her nose tingled, and she blinked the tears back. This family was everything to her and Viper.

“Thank you, Copper.”

When she turned back, the two men were clasping hands across the table. Neither seemed eager to sever the connection.

“Position is yours anytime you want to come back to it, brother.”

Viper shook his head. “No. I won’t yo-yo like that. You give it to someone else, it’s theirs for good. Won’t snatch it back.”

With a tilt of his head and a chin rub, Copper said, “Fair enough. You’ll meet with me after Christmas to figure out how to restructure?”

“Of course.”

Copper came around the table then, his hulking form approaching her. When he was within arms distance, he pulled her from her chair into a gentle but firm embrace. She felt so tiny in his massive arms. Copper had hugged her countless times over the years, and she’d always known his power, but now, standing in his strong embrace, she realized just how frail she’d become.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024