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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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But the sludge was chock full of caffeine, and that’s what counted. Someone had to go wake Copper’s hung-over ass up and Zach had drawn the short fucking straw. So, he needed to be on his game to survive the hibernating bear.

Last night, after about a bottle of Scotch, the prez had confessed his fight with Shell. Actually, the confrontation couldn’t really be called a fight. It was basically Copper acting like a stupid fucking shithead. Something Zach took great pleasure in informing his president. Wasn’t too often the guy screwed up so royally his men got to razz him about it. Zach would be lying if he didn’t admit he got a little pleasure—okay a fuck-ton—out of watching the big guy squirm. Around two in the morning, after hours of guzzling booze, Copper had decided it was time to go home.

Thankfully, Zach had called Toni early in the night and let her know he’d be sticking around at the clubhouse to babysit their fool of a president. Took nearly an hour to convince the prez he wouldn’t make it home alive. And even if he did, Shell would accomplish what the drunk drive home hadn’t, and end his life for barging in wasted at three in the morning.

Jig had rushed off to meet Izzy at the hospital, and Mav offered to drive Toni home from Shell’s where he’d set up a prospect to watch the house.

Now, it was nearing ten am and past time for Copper to head home to face the music. Shell would be off work in the next hour or so, giving Copper time to shower and prepare to grovel. Zach had also shot her a text last night, letting her know her ol’ man was blitzed and crashing at the club, but she didn’t need to worry. His brothers had his back. Even if that included telling him what a dumbass he’d been.

“Dead to the world,” Mav said with an evil smirk. “You gonna wake him with a kiss, Prince Charming?”

Zach raised both middle fingers. “For that, I’m eating the chocolate chip muffin Toni boxed up for you.”

With his panicked eyes wide and his mouth in a perfect O shape, Mav shook his head rapidly. “I take it back. I take it back. Don’t eat my muffin!”

Stephanie strode over with her brows raised. “Hmm,” she said, tapping her chin. “Do I need to leave you boys alone so Zach can ‘eat your muffin,’”? she asked, making air quotes.

Mav slipped an arm around her waist and drew her close, placing a kiss on her neck. Then another. And another.

“Wow, never thought I’d rather wake a sleeping and hung-over Copper, but it’s gotta be better than watching you two slobber all over each other.”

Giggling, Stephanie shoved Mav off her. “Boy,” she said as she slipped her hands in her back pockets and rocked on her heels. “I sure am hungry. Didn’t get to eat anything before this one made me get out of bed and come here.” She thumbed her hand in Mav’s direction.

Stephanie could be so fun. “Oh, well, here you go!” Zach tossed her Mav’s muffin. “Bon appetite.”

“Ooooh!” Steph’s eyes lit. One-handed, she caught the muffin, then took a giant bite, right in Mav’s face.

Zach compressed his lips to keep from laughing.

“Oh, Zach, that’s delicious. Thank you so much. Really hit the spot.”

Mav narrowed his eyes. “You are an asshole,” he said, pointing at Zach. “And you’re going to be punished at home. Severely.”

With a waggle of her eyebrows and a mouth full of muffin, Steph said, “Can’t wait.”

Ugh, time to go. Zach made a mock retching sound that had Mav giving him the finger this time. “I’m out. You two are gross.”

Last thing he caught as he walked away was Maverick’s low, “Come on, baby, give me a bite.” Sounds of laughter followed him as he made his way up the stairs to Copper’s room. Halfway there, his phone rang from his back pocket. Tex’s name appeared on the scene.

Fear snaked down Zach’s spine. There was only one reason the prospect would be calling, and it wasn’t to shoot the fucking shit.

“Tex?” he barked as he lifted the cell to his ear.

“We got a problem, Zach.” His voice was clipped, all business.

Instantly on alert and ready to jump into action, Zach said, “Give it to me.”

“Toni got a call from the girl. She and Shell tore the fuck outta here while I was in the kitchen.” His volume dipped at the end as though he was nervous to admit he’d been slacking on his job.

Rightfully so. He should be nervous as fuck and would be dealt with once Zach was sure Toni and Shell weren’t in any danger.

“Fuck! Where’d they go?”

“Little River Campground is what they told Jazz.”

Fuck, fuck, fuck. “I’m waking Copper now. When did they leave?”

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