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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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A state he’d shamelessly taken advantage of.


“What the hell, Jazz?” He said as he swiped his thumb across his bottom lip.

“I’ve had enough, Screw. Enough of your fucking games. It’s done. I’m done. I’m not going to sleep with you, and if you think you can take advantage of my worry over my friends, you’re not only stupid, you’re a piece of shit.” Her chest heaved as she plastered herself against the wall. Her face had to be a thousand degrees and red as blood.

Anger flashed across Screw’s face. Not the first time she’d seen it, but the first time it’d been directed at her. But it didn’t last long. Within seconds, the scowl had been replaced by an arrogant smirk.

“Busted,” he said with a shrug. “Can’t blame a guy for trying. I’ll get between those thighs yet. In fact, I’ll have you begging me for it.” He winked.

Jazz shoved off the wall, flipped him off, then stomped down the hallway toward the labor deck. At least she hoped she’d gone the right way because she’d die before turning around and walking past Screw again.

“So freakin’ typical,” she muttered as she turned another corner. Even as she said the words, a little seed of doubt sprouted in the back of her mind. Something had seemed off. Screw’s voice at the end, had lacked his normal playful tone. The kiss couldn’t possibly have been genuine? Could it? An honest desire to give her what he thought she needed.

Jazz huffed out a laugh. “Of course, it wasn’t,” she said out loud. “He’s just thinking about his dick.”

The words sounded hollow as they echoed through the quiet hallway.



Copper was there. He’d come for her.

Violent shivers racked Shell’s body with so much force, she expected to bounce right off the picnic table. More concerning was the fact Lindsey had stopped quaking about a minute ago. Toni must have noticed as well because the moment Lindsey’s body stilled, they shared a look and both crowded closer to the girl. At this point, Lindsey needed to be seen at a hospital, and Toni and Shell would be right there with her if they stayed out in the harsh winter elements much longer.

Actually, Shell probably required a hospital visit no matter what. The moment she’d sat on the unforgiving picnic table, she’d hugged her arms across her middle in a desperate attempt to provide warmth and protection for the tiny baby growing inside her. She couldn’t let herself think about what might happen. Couldn’t wonder if this prolonged time in extreme cold was harmful to the fetus because if she allowed her mind to wander in that direction, she’d literally curl up in a ball and sob.

Instead, she focused on Copper and Zach.

Her husband hadn’t so much as glanced her way, and while Shell understood he couldn’t afford the distraction, her heart bled with the memories of their last encounter. If things went south today, if one of them was injured, or God forbid worse, her last memory of Copper would be the nastiest fight of their relationship.

Copper and Crank went back and forth, trading hatred and barbs. Following the conversation grew more difficult, the colder she got. As did thinking in general. It felt as though her brain slowed, processing the words as though trudging through thick honey. Or maybe it was the thunderous drum of her pulse in her ears, causing difficulty hearing the conversation. Probably a combination of the two.

“Y-you girls h-h-hanging i-in?” Toni asked. She trembled and shook with near-violent shivers. Her lips held a blueish tinge while her cheeks and nose shone bright red.

Shell’s tongue felt thick in her mouth, so she nodded instead of answering. When Lindsey didn’t respond, Shell nudged her.

“Sleepy,” the girl slurred as she uncurled, letting her legs drop down to the bench seat.

Shell met Toni’s fretful gaze once again. Her friend’s alarmed expression matched her own level of concern.

“S-sweetie,” Shell said, fighting a losing battle against the chattering. “T-rry to s-s-stay a-awake, o-okay?”

Even as she nodded, Lindsey laid her head on Toni’s shoulder.

“L-lind-say,” Toni said, shrugging her shoulder, trying to nudge the girl conscious.

“I’m awake. Just resting my eyes.” Her speech had slowed, and the words ran together, but her teeth no longer chattered. Shell might be the furthest thing from a medical professional, but even she knew it was bad news when the body stopped trying to warm itself with shivers. They needed to get the girl warm. And fast.

Shell shifted her gaze back to Copper to find him finally staring straight at her. Gone was the anger he’d shown her yesterday. All she saw reflected back at her was love and deep-seated fear. Maybe regret too. Without tearing his attention away from her, he called out, “Not shitting you, Crank. Second best day of my life was the day I gutted Lefty.”

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