Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 72

“Don’t need to be able to spot the sniper for him to kill you.”

Rocket. Rocket was out there ready, willing, and able to take Crank and his buddies down.

All of a sudden, the whoop-whoop of a siren sounded from afar, but not nearly far enough away. Immediately following the shrill blare, a voice called, “Anyone in the campground needs to vacate immediately. If you need assistance, it can be provided. This road will be shut down.” The words were loud and harsh, as though announced through a bull horn.

Another sharp bleep of the siren, closer than before.

Faster than a bullet could have burst from one of those guns, Crank’s men were back in the van. The enforcer himself charged forward, all thoughts of turf wars and violence forgotten.

At the same time, Copper and Zach rushed toward the picnic table.

The sound of the panel door sliding open on the van had Zach’s body jolting. “The fucker’s gonna get away!” he shouted to Copper, as he reversed direction and took off running after Crank.

A gun fired, making the snow explode much too close to Zach’s body. Being unable to do anything but stare at the scene unfolding would forever haunt Shell’s dreams.

“Zach!” Toni screamed. She sprung off the picnic table as though shot from a cannon.

“Toni, don’t!” Shell grabbed Lindsey, who toppled over when Toni ran, catching her just before her head hit the table.

“Got her!” Copper snagged Toni around the waist. She fought, kicking and screaming as she tried to get to her man. “Settle down!” Copper growled.

Another shot rang out, and Toni screamed as Zach’s body jerked. He didn’t fall, but the impact slowed him enough to allow Crank to dive headfirst into the rolling van. It peeled out, door open, throwing wet snow behind its wheels in an arc of slush and dirt. The whole thing happened over a total of ten seconds, but it felt like hours of slow-motion as Shell watched in horror, keeping Lindsey in her arms.

“Zach!” Toni screamed, as Copper finally released her. She sprinted toward her man, who was on his way back, his movements slow and sluggish.

“We gotta move, ladies,” Zach said, voice thick with pain. “Can she walk?” He jutted his chin toward Lindsey.

“I t-think s-s-she’s p-p-passed out.” Shell’s arms ached from holding the slumped teen.

“I got her, babe,” Copper said as he scooped Lindsey into his arms. She went with ease, one arm flopping down and swinging back and forth. Shell immediately lifted it and tucked it between Lindsey and Copper.

The siren blared again, this time not in a short burst, but a continued whine.

“Shit! Pigs musta heard the shot. Move!” Zach said as he grabbed Toni’s hand then hustled toward his truck.

Shell scrambled off the table as best she could with her limbs frozen solid. She slogged along after Copper, who’d jogged ahead toward Zach’s idling truck. Her heart raced in contrast to the slow movement of her legs.

“You hit?” he yelled as he reached the truck.

“Shoulder. Flesh wound. I’ll live.”

Copper settled Lindsey in the front seat of Zach’s truck as Zach and Toni reached the vehicle. They had a two-second argument over who would drive, then a grumbling Toni climbed in next to Lindsey and gathered the girl into her arms. Zach slid behind the wheel.

“Take off. We’ll be right behind you. Circle through the park so you don’t have to explain shit to any fucking cops.”

“Meet you at the hospital,” Zach called before Copper slammed the passenger door. Zach sped off at a pace way too treacherous for the road conditions. Especially since he was losing blood in the process.

The siren grew scarily close. Shell tried to run but her legs just wouldn’t obey. “C-copper.”

“It’s okay, babe, I got you.” He swung her into his arms and ran toward her car. Immediately warmth diffused from his body to hers and she wanted nothing more than to burrow into his strong body and sleep for hours. Days.

But they weren’t out of the woods yet. No longer in danger from the Disciples, they now had to worry about the cops.

The siren shrieked so loud, Shell was floored she couldn’t see the police vehicle yet.

With efficient but gentle movements, Copper deposited Shell into the warm car. Heat immediately penetrated her ice-cold limbs and she groaned at the amazing sensation. Not more than two seconds later, he dropped into the driver’s seat. Shell tried to buckle herself, but her icy fingers refused to cooperate. Copper grabbed the belt, secured it, and took off just as the headlight of a police SUV came into view.

Shell held her breath once again. “Did they spot us?”

“Don’t think so,” he said, eyes on the rearview mirror.

“They can follow our tracks.”

“Rocket is out there. He’ll lead them on a wild goose chase.”

Rocket, right. Shell blew out a shaky breath. They’d made it. They were safe.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024