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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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With a heavy sigh, Copper shifted on the barstool until he faced forward. Two beefy forearms landed on the bar top before Copper let his head fall forward. “Okay, lay it on me.”

“Found out Crank was in the army. Spec Ops. A Ranger for six years.”

“Oh, fuck me,” Copper whispered, shaking his head back and forth as it dangled. “So he’s not just some cowboy who can’t hit the broad side of a barn.”

“No, boss. He’s a highly trained and lethal operative. There’s more.”

“Of course, there is. All right. Give it all to me.”

“He was other than honorably discharged about four years ago after an incident involving weapons in Afghanistan. Most of the files were buried fucking deep, but my contact was able to get his hands on a few. Crank, or Michael Ainsley, was accused of involvement with a weapons trafficking group overseas. Nothing could be proven, but not much of an investigation was done, either. The army offered him an out with the other than honorable discharge in exchange for foregoing an investigation.”

“So basically, they pushed him out the door and swept the entire fucking incident under the rug?”

“Not basically, fucking exactly,” Rocket said before grabbing a few chips from a bowl on the bar.

“Does this mean he has contacts in the fucking Middle East? Jesus, think he’s supplying terrorists?”

“Worst case, yes, but I don’t know for certain.” He shoved three chips in his mouth. Shit like this was why he’d run away from that world. Too many men turned crooked and fucking evil with a mere taste of power and money.

“Christ. Merry fucking Christmas to me.”

Rocket couldn’t have said it better himself. If the Chrome Disciples were sending guns overseas, the operation was highly organized and much more lucrative than they’d realized. That meant the Chrome Disciples were not only dangerous but motivated to keep their business alive.

“We need to fucking end them.”

“We do,” Rocket said around a mouthful of chips. “The warehouse they claimed as a clubhouse has been dead since the incident at the campground yesterday.”

“You think they left?”

“Not for good. No. Maybe restocking their supply or taking care of unfinished business wherever they came from. Don’t know. But I doubt they’re gone.” He shrugged. “Think this gives us a little time to breathe, though.”

Copper ran a hand down his face then nodded to Thunder, who filled his empty glass as he passed by. Once again, Copper sucked back the entire contents with two swallows. “Keep this tight for now. We’ll address it immediately after the New Year. I want the men to have a few days with their families without worries before we dive into the next crisis. But keep eyes on the warehouse and let me know the moment they roll back into town.”

With a nod, Rocket said, “You got it, boss.” Hopefully, the invading club would keep away for the next week or so.

The door opened, allowing a rush of frigid air to flow into the clubhouse.

“Looks like your ol’ lady made it. I’m gonna go track down mine. I’ve been informed dinner is at three, so if you plan to take Chloe off somewhere for a Christmas quickie in the hallway, be back by then.”

Rocket snorted. “Think that’s more Mav’s style than mine. Plus, not looking forward to pissing off the Green Beret brother five minutes after he gets to town.”

As he stood, Copper slapped Rocket on the back. “Point taken, brother. Think Scott would have come across one Michael Ainsley at some point?”

“Don’t know.”

“Might be worth looking into in a discrete way that won’t have him moving in to protect his sister.”


Easier said than done. Scott was a fucking mamma bear when it came to his baby sister. He also wasn’t the most biker-friendly individual on the planet, though he’d been civil since Chloe ripped into him a few months ago. She’d informed him in no uncertain terms Rocket was there to stay, and he needed to either get on board or go fuck himself. And yes, she’d said it exactly like that.

God, he loved that woman.

“I’ll see what I can do, Cop.”

“K. Hi, sweetheart,” Copper said as Chloe and Scott made their way to the bar.

“Merry Christmas, Copper.” Chloe gave the president a cheerful grin and accepted a kiss on her rosy cheek. The tip of her nose wasn’t too far off Rudolph’s color, either. Both she and her brother still had on thick coats, scarves, and Chloe’s long red hair hung out from below a gray knit cap with a ball on the top.

“Scott,” Copper said with a nod.

Scott returned the nod and lifted his hand in greeting just before Copper went off in search of Shell. “Hey, man.” He extended his hand to Rocket.

“Hey. You guys all caught up?” Rocket asked as he gripped Scott’s hand. He’d been trying to be a little more conversational and a little less…himself around Chloe’s beloved brother.

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