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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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Even Mama V looked her best today, sitting beside Viper with a smile on her face. Her battle was far from over, but knowing she’d made it to both breakfast at Copper’s house that morning and dinner at the clubhouse was a positive sign she was feeling well today at least. On the other side of her, Curly sat next to Holly. He’d proven to be a polite and respectful addition to dinner. One Copper was considering extending an offer to join the club too.

For today at least, every person in the room was happy. Merry. Full of bliss, alcohol, and soon to be stuffed to the brim with delicious food. It appeared as though the Disciples had left town. He wasn’t fool enough to believe it was permanent, but it meant a safe and drama-free Christmas. Tomorrow it might all change, would all change as shit ramped up with their newfound enemy, but for today?

Today there was joy.

He glanced at the newest member of their family. Her sweet round face snuggled into her mother’s chest. It’d be him soon. Him and Shell. Copper fully considered Beth his daughter, but he’d not even met her until she was three years old. He had no experience with something so small. Something he could literally crush with his mitt sized hands.

As he turned away from the baby, he caught Shell watching him with a soft smile on her face. She practically glowed today. Since they’d made up and he’d embraced her pregnancy, the smile hadn’t left her face. Now, she stared at him with a bit of wonderment in her gaze. This baby experience would be entirely different for her, as well. She hadn’t had a man in her life the first time around, and Copper vowed then and there to be the best goddammed husband and father he could possibly be.

He winked, loving the way after all this time, her cheeks still pinked when he flirted with her.

“Daddy, I’m still hungry,” Beth said, pulling at the hem of his shirt. Her roll had disappeared, and now she eyed a massive bowl of mashed potatoes with a predatory lick of her lips.

“K, princess, just let me say a few things, then we’ll eat.”

“All right,” she said with a huff as though he told her should wouldn’t be eating again until tomorrow instead of in two minutes.

“Listen up!” he shouted as he clinked his fork against the side of his whiskey glass.

It took a good thirty seconds for all conversation to stop, but eventually, the room fell quiet, and all fifty or so sets of eyes fell on him. All the men wore their cuts as was required in the clubhouse, but most had stepped up their game a bit with the rest of their clothes. Black jeans, pressed collared shirts, a few polos. His crew looked pretty damn sharp. The women, especially. They all brought their Christmas A game with dresses, glittery shoes, and fancied-up hair.

“Guess I should start with a Merry Christmas,” he said as he lifted his glass.

A chorus of Merry Christmas was repeated back to him before a hush fell over the group again.

“Promise I won’t ramble too long, but this has become somewhat of a tradition, me reviewing how shit went over the past year. As you know, we’ve had some pretty sweet highs and some pretty fucking crushing lows. We added a lot of members to our family. Some patched brothers,” he said, lifting his glass to Screw then LJ. “New prospects,” he said to Thunder, who raised his beer bottle in return. “Quite a few ol’ ladies.”

Maverick stuck his fingers in his mouth and whistled as others clapped and hooted. The girls ate that shit up, beaming at their men.

“I want to welcome our visitors, and of course, the newest addition, the most badass baby to ever be born,” he said, facing Izzy and Jig. The entire room erupted in cheers and applause.

“All right, all right. Give me two more minutes.”

Beside him, Beth picked up her fork and whacked it on her plate so hard, he couldn’t believe the thing didn’t crack. “Hey!” she shouted. “Listen to my daddy so I can eat!” Her outburst had a round of laughter circulating the room as Shell snatched the fork from their daughter’s hand and shushed her.

Once the attention was back on him, Copper said, “We dealt with some serious fucking shit this year.”

Shell huffed and covered Beth’s ears.

“Sorry, babe. We handled some rough stuff this year. Wish I could tell you it was over, and every day would be like today. Full of laughter and cheer. But we all know this life can be more thorns than roses. That being said, I’m so goddamned proud to call you my brothers, my family. I couldn’t ask for a better group of men riding at my back.”

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