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Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7)

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Steph giggled right along with everyone else. How much more perfect could she get? Finding a woman willing to forgo a princess wedding with all the trappings was one thing, but to find one who actually seemed to love this causal shit as much as he did was a rare prize.

“I’m not gonna say much. These two want to just dive right into what they wrote. Ladies first.”

“Yeah, Steph,” someone yelled, making her blush an adorable shade of crimson.

When she looked up into his eyes, he got the same punch to the gut he always experienced gazing into her baby blues. Mav wasn’t one to believe in fate or soulmates, but he swore on all that he had Stephanie was put on this very earth just for him. No woman had even tempted him to give up his swinging bachelor ways before, and now, it was as though other women didn’t even exist.

“Maverick, my Mav,” she said, then cleared her throat. “Everyone knows you’re the life of the party. You’re the fun in a room full of people. You’re quick with a joke, always inappropriate, and you make everyone laugh and roll their eyes at the same time. But not everyone gets to see just how incredible you are. How brave and selfless. How loving, supportive, and comforting you are. I’m the luckiest woman in the world because I’ve had all those parts of you for more than a year. And now I get them for the rest of my life. You saved me,” she whispered.

Mav’s heart slowed to a strong, steady pound as he listened to his woman’s words. She thought far too much of him, but to know he’d made her feel that way about him was a gift he’d cherish for the rest of his life.

“You saved me and paid a terrible price because of it.” She grabbed his arm and stroked a finger down his forearm where the Hell’s Handlers brand had once been. Now, the logo was inked over horribly charred skin from where his and Stephanie’s captors had burned the fuck outta his arm. “You’re the most incredible man I’ve ever met. Both the way you look, the way you act, and the way you make me feel. I love you, Maverick, more than I’ve ever loved anyone or anything in my life. I promise to keep your heart, mind, and body safe until my last breath and beyond.”

God, she’d torn him inside out with her words.

Now it was his turn. How did he follow that? How did he express the depth of his feeling for Stephanie with just words. His hands shook as he reached in his pocket for what he’d prepared to say, but as he drew the paper out, he found himself crumpling it and dropping it to the floor.

Stephanie cocked her head and gave him a crooked grin.

“What I have to say is simple. I love you, Stephanie. Before you, I’d never said those words to a living soul. They are yours and yours alone. I’ll never give them to another, Stephanie. It isn’t even fathomable.” A lump rose in the back of his throat as strong emotions swamped him.

Stephanie’s eyes filled with tears, and one spilled over. He cupped her face and wiped away the little bugger. “You’re my everything, baby,” he whispered as his own eyes began to prickle and the tip of his nose twitched. “I promise I will spend every day of my life worshiping the ground you walk on.”

“M-mav…” Steph said with a hitch in her voice. “I love you.”

“Love you too, baby. For fucking ever.” He turned to the crowd. “Y’all mind closing your eyes so we can get down to business here?”

Stephanie snorted out a laugh through her tears as most everyone groaned.

“What?” Mav shrugged, totally unrepentant. “Had to throw a little of my patented flavor in there somewhere.”

“Yeah, yeah,” Zach said as he clapped his hands to get everyone’s attention. “Almost done here, folks. Keep your pants on. Especially you too.” He pointed to Mav and his beautiful bride. “Okay, do you, Stephanie, take Maverick to be your husband. Through sickness and health. In good times and bad. Even if he wants more ink. Until death parts you?”

“Hell yes, I do!” Steph said with the biggest smile he’d ever seen from her. She practically bounced on the balls of her feet in those sexy as fuck shoes.

“And, Maverick. Do you take Stephanie to be your wife? Through sickness and health. In good times and bad. Until death parts you.”

“Fucking A,” Mav said. He burst out laughing when Steph put a hand on her hip and jutted it out. “Sorry. I do.”

“Well then, by the power of the motorcycle gods, I pronounce you man and wife. Mav, you can kiss that woman in 10…

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