Joy (Hell's Handlers MC 7) - Page 96

Despite the near freezing temperature, sweat beaded across Viper’s forehead. He idly wiped it away. With each second that ticked by, tension coiled tighter. Where the fuck was she?

After a few more seconds, Wayne hopped out of the truck with what could only be described as a leash in his hand. He paused, then reached out and roughly grabbed ahold of a woman. After yanking her out of the van, he shoved her toward Fox.

She wobbled then fell to her knees at Fox’s feet.

Viper’s father arched his back, and let out a loud booming laugh that had Viper’s fists clenching. “Appreciate the sentiment, darlin’, but I’m not the one you’ll be on your knees for.” Struggling to rise, she shivered. Viper swore he could hear her teeth chatter. When she rose to her full height, which couldn’t be more than five foot five, Viper let his gaze scan her body. Clad in nothing but bikini panties and a bra, it was no wonder she was so fucking cold. Bruises marred her upper arms, and her amber-brown hair was a tangled mess, as though she’d been struggling for hours. A leather collar ringed her neck, attached to the leash Wayne controlled. Despite the dirt and bruising, it was clear the woman had a body made for long sleepless nights of passion.

Sarge moved, as though he was going to charge forward and take Fox out. Viper shot his hand out and caught his brother’s arm before the idiot got them both killed.

“Rein it the fuck in,” he rumbled so low no one would hear.

“Shit. Sorry. I’m cool,” Sarge muttered back, rubbing his hand over his head. “Just…”

“Get it, brother. I really do.”

Sarge nodded and scanned the area around them.

Viper should be doing the same, but at that moment, the woman lifted her head, and he couldn’t do a damn thing but stare at her. Green eyes, full of defiance stared up at his father. Even with black tear tracks marking her cheeks, and her caramel-colored hair a rat’s nest, she was the most gorgeous woman he’d ever seen. With that face and that body, it was no wonder some sick fuck was willing to pay big bucks for her.

Viper felt a stirring below the belt. Shit, he was just as sick as the fucker who’d purchased her.

“Hmm,” Fox hummed, the sly grin he was named for curling his mouth. “Not bad, Wayne. Pretty much exactly what I asked for.” He reached out grabbed the woman’s breasts. She jerked back, but with her hands bound, wasn’t able to end the unwanted fondling. Tears spilled down her cheeks, and she trembled, but held her head high and toughed it out.

She was strong.

Viper growled, he couldn’t help it. Watching his father paw the unwilling woman was making him rabid.

Sarge’s elbow connected with his gut.

Fuck, he’d been too loud.

Fox shot him a look then laughed. “See something you want, Viper, my boy? Sorry, this one’s not for the taking. At least not by you.” He stepped back and stared at her. “She is your type though, ain’t she? Don’t worry, I’m sure we’ll find you one just like her for the night.”

Viper grunted in response. He didn’t trust himself to speak. Not without calling his father out on being a rapist piece of shit.

“Excellent find, as usual, Wayne,” Fox said as he handed the slimy bastard a thick envelope. “There’s a little something extra in there for you. I know this one was hard to get.”

Wayne’s smirk was more snake-like than Viper’s name. “Always good doing business with the Tribe,” he said as he took the envelope. As though this routine was rote, which Viper supposed it was, Wayne gave Fox a two-finger salute, slammed the back door of the van, then climbed in the driver’s seat. Without another word, he was off, leaving the victimized woman alone with five bikers.

Fox rubbed his palms together, then blew into his cupped hands. “Fuck, it’s cold.” He chuckled. “You’d know, wouldn’t you, girly? “Legs,” he said to the club’s enforcer, a muscle head with quads the size of tree trunks. “Take her in, chain her to the bed. Her buyer is flying in on Tuesday to pick her up, so she’ll be our guest until then.” He narrowed his eyes. “Hands off, okay? Or at least keep them on the outside of her body. The buyer was very specific. Rich, twenty-one, virgin, green eyes. Ain’t risking the two hundred grand pay off cuz your dick’s twitching. Get me?”

Two hundred thousand dollars? Beside him, Sarge whistled.

“Got it, boss.” Legs bent down and picked up the lead Wayne had dropped. “Let’s go, bitch.” He yanked the rope, jerking her forward, chuckling at her yelp of pain.

Viper growled again. This time Fox missed it, but the girl didn’t. For just three seconds, before she started for the shack, her gaze collided with Vipers.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024