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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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“Think he’s gonna cry?” Viper asked on a laugh.

Copper shrugged. “Maybe. But if he does, the job’s going to LJ. Can’t have a pussy as an enforcer.”

That finally drew a laugh from Screw and pulled him from his stupor. “Fuck, you trying to give a guy a heart attack today?”

“Gotta admit, this is more fun than I thought it’d be,” Viper admitted as he slapped Screw on the back.

“So what do ya say?” Copper extended a hand. “You in?”

His smile hit so fast it nearly made his cheeks ache. Screw stood and clasped Copper’s hand. “Yes, fuck yes! Shit. I’m the fucking enforcer.”

The other two men cracked up and Screw didn’t even give a fuck that it was at his expense. They’d blown his mind today both with their offer and their faith in him.

“Uhh, so what now?”

Releasing his hand, Copper shrugged. “Now we party. Tomorrow night. Send off for Viper and a big fucking congrats to you and Z.”

Hell yeah, he could get down with that.

“Pretty sure you don’t need it from what I hear, but think of all the pussy you’ll get now that you can drop the E word.”

They were right, he didn’t need it. Depending on what he was in the mood for that night, the women and sometimes men flocked to him. He had a reputation as being a damn good fuck and that alone brought them in droves. What could he say? Everyone had some kind of gift. He was a master at bringing the O’s and there were hordes of smiling fans out there willing to give him a glowing recommendation.

“Won’t hear me complaining about that.”

“Didn’t think so.” Copper rolled his eyes. The guy was stupidly in love with his ol’ lady, Shell.

Monogamy. Shit, the word was nearly enough to kill the high of Cop’s news.

“All right. Get the fuck outta here. Viper and I got shit to do.” Copper picked up a pen and flipped open a file folder. At least being enforcer didn’t require paying the bills or dealing with attorneys.

Screw stood. “All kidding aside, prez, thank you. Promise to do you and this club fucking proud.” It had taken until well into adulthood for him to find a place in the world where he didn’t have to rely on being a fucking court jester.

The instinct remained, hovering just below his skin. Every day, he put actual energy and effort into remaining real and not fall back on his childhood patterns.

Huh, looked like he’d grown the fuck up at some point in the past year. Well, kinda.

“There’s not a doubt in our minds, Screw.”

With that, he bumped his fist against Copper’s then Viper’s and made his way toward the bar, feeling like he was on top of the fucking world. “Gimme a shot of tequila,” he said to Thunder as he slid onto a stool.

Before the prospect had a chance to grab the bottle, a body appeared on the stool next to Screw.

“Well, what has you looking so happy?” Darla, a girl who’d been hanging around the club for the last week asked.

She was cute in a schoolgirl sorta way. Long blond hair often in pigtails that hung to her tits. She loved to wear these pleated skirts and crop tops showing off her long legs and flat stomach. Nothing wrong with any of that. From what he’d heard she was pretty much up for anything any time.

His kinda girl.

“Make it two, Thunder.”

The prospect smirked at him and winked at Darla before grabbing a second shot glass. “Here you go.” He set the full shots in front of them.

“Thank you,” Darla practically purred. “What are we drinking to?”

“To me,” he said. “Just to fucking me.”

“Well, I’ll certainly drink to fucking you.” She picked up her shot and downed it. As the liquid slipped between plump lips that no doubt caused many a man to moan in pleasure, a flash of black hair caught his eye.

Immediately Darla was forgotten as he turned to face the newcomer. The black hair he’d assumed was Jazz ended up being Amelia, the woman who delivered liquor to the club once a week. Aside from the same color hair, Amelia didn’t look a damn thing like Jazz. She was shorter, rounder, and much darker skinned than Jazz.

Shit, who knew what that little brain fart was about.

“Should we do another, or is there something else you had in mind?”

“Huh?” What? Who…Oh, Darla, right.

Her eyebrows drew down as her lips stuck out in a glossy pout. The action he’d usually use to his advantage only annoyed him for some reason. “You forget I was here or something?”

With a chuckle, he signaled for Thunder and pointed to the Tequlia. “Of course not, darlin’. Who could forget you?” Yes, he had, he’d completely spaced out about the woman he’d been talking to three seconds before simply because he thought he’d caught a glimpse of the woman who’d run from him for an entire year.

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