Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8) - Page 30

LJ turned his scowl on his woman, only she didn’t seem to notice because she was still fixated on Screw. “Is it the enforcer thing? Are you nervous about it?”

Seriously? He turned his attention back to LJ, who now wore a smirk and had an arm across Holly’s shoulders. “This what it’s like having an ol’ lady? Always asking you shit you don’t want to talk about.”

LJ opened his mouth, but Holly beat him to it. “Yes,” she said, completely unaffected by his insult. “Now stop being a dick and tell Auntie Holly what’s wrong with you.”

LJ coughed to cover up his laugh, earning him a swat from his woman. Ever since Izzy had a baby and named her after Holly’s deceased sister, Joy, she’d been calling herself Auntie Holly.

“Auntie Holly, huh? Isn’t there a porn star called Auntie Holly?” He grinned at LJ who was back to scowling. “You know the one I mean?” Screw held his arms out in front of his chest. Huge ti—”

“Okay, buddy, how about this,” she said, pointing a finger at him. “You haven’t gotten laid since before Christmas. That’s more than fifteen sex-free days. Probably a record for you. By now, you’d normally have slept with a dozen people. You’re cranky, fidgety, and annoying the hell outta me. So what gives?”

Screw felt like he was naked, and not in the good way. Not in the about-to-get-sucked way, but in the bug-under-a-microscope way, as though Holly could see through the thick layers he had surrounding his soft core.

“Well, shit, sugar, you’re keeping pretty close track of where my cock’s landing. The big guy not satisfying you these days?” He clucked his tongue with a shake of his head. “Hear that’s what happens when you get monogamitis.”

Holly didn’t take the bait, though LJ sure did. He grunted and began to rise, but Holly stopped him with a squeeze to his clenched fist.

Okay, yeah, he was being a first-rate jerk, but fuck if he was gonna let anyone see under the hood. Even his best friend’s girl.

“Make whatever jokes you need to, Screwball,” she said with a sad, almost pitying smile. “Doesn’t change the fact that you haven’t had sex in fifteen days.”

Actually, it was seventeen. Seventeen long days and nights where his dick wouldn’t perk for anyone but the one woman who didn’t want him.

“So I figure,” Holly went on. “Either you got dick rot, or something’s weighing on that twisted maze of a thing you call a mind.”

Screw scratched his chin. “I’m sorry, did you just say dick rot?”

“I did. And you’re still avoiding the issue. God, a therapist would have a field day with you.”

She had no idea.

Just as he was about to tell her exactly what he’d do with said therapist, the door opened causing a rush of frigid air to blow through the club house.

A bunch of the guys and their women had stuck around after church, drinking and hanging out. A few Honeys mingled around with the single guys, lining up their nighttime plans. Usually the first one claiming a girl, Screw had hung back, choosing to chat with LJ and Dr. Freud.

Clearly, he’d made the wrong choice.

He shivered, “Jesus, Thunder, close the fucking door already,” he yelled. Thunder had gone out to unload a few cases of beer from his truck a few moments ago.

“Uhh, not Thunder,” Holly said, pointing over Screw’s shoulder.

He turned and nearly fell off the stool at the sight of a pink-cheeked Jazz holding the hand of the fucking light-haired Clark Kent lookalike.

The room went quiet as Jazz squeaked, “Uh, hey, guys.” When her gaze landed on Screw, she dropped Gumby’s hand immediately, but the guy scooped it right back up, smug eyes on Screw.


Screw hid his mounting distress behind a wink, and he swore interest flared in Gumby’s eyes. In response, Screw’s dick twitched. What a sight it would be to have the guy on his knees, mouth full of his cock as he stared up at Screw through those sexy lenses. Fuck, he clenched his fists, allowing his short nails to dig into the skin of his palms to keep his hips from punching forward as though being pleasured by Gumby.

A few of the ol’ ladies, Holly in particular, appeared ready to bust out of her skin as she was forced to hold back the millions of questions she no doubt had for her friend.

Who was the guy?

Why was he holding her hand?

Were they in a relationship?

Had he fucked her?

Would he fuck Screw?

Even better, would he fuck Screw while Screw fucked Jazz?

Damn that was a fantasy.

Okay, maybe those last few questions wouldn’t fall from Holly’s lips but came from Screw’s own kinky fantasies.

As everyone sat there surrounded by a thick cloud of awkward, Copper stepped out of his office, a smiling Shell plastered to his side. Her eyes went wide as all heads swiveled her way and she immediately began smoothing her hair down.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024