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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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Screw froze as the implications bombarded him. As enforcer, much of this would fall to him. Not alone, of course, as the club functioned as a team first and foremost, but alongside Copper, he’d be expected to not only carryout his president’s orders, but help devise a plan to keep the club safe.

Christ, what had he gotten himself into?

He glanced up to find Jazz’s gaze on him. She gave him a small smile and a nod and damn if it didn’t bolster his confidence. Was it meant to? Was she silently lending her support and belief in his ability to keep his brothers and their women safe?

Jesus, why the fuck did he even care?

He’d worked his entire life to not give a shit what anyone thought about him.

“Thanks for letting us know, Jazz,” Copper said. “We’re gonna talk for a few, then we’ll be out, okay?”

She nodded but didn’t move to get up. “Uhh, there’s actually more.”

“Of course there’s more,” Jigsaw said, slumping back in his chair.

“Okay, let’s have it.” Copper folded his arms across his massive chest.

“They spoke to me, well one in particular.”

Once again, Screw felt like a hound on the trail of a scent.

“I assumed they wouldn’t know who I was, so I’d planned to just buy my coffee then get the fuck out of there, but Crank stopped me and told me to tell you he’d be seeing you soon.”

Copper’s chest rose and fell with the force of his sigh. “Anything else?”

Jazz shook her head with a snort. “No, just your standard inappropriate sexual comments and a near groping.”

As though her words were the crack of a whip against his flank, Screw shot to his feet and leaned across the table. “They fucking touched you?” Suddenly leading an attack on the Chrome Disciples seemed like the perfect way to spend his time.

Mouth in an O, Jazz leaned back in her chair. Her head moved back and forth in a rapid clip. “Uh, no, not really. It was nothing. I’m fine, Screw.”

“No and not really aren’t the same thing, Jazmine. We’ll be chatting about this later.” He stared straight into her flared eyes as he spoke.

If the guys were surprised by the intensity of his reaction, none showed it.

“Okay,” Copper said. He sounded heavy, as though the weight of leading the club bled out through his voice, “Let’s do this. Collect your women and head home for the night. Tomorrow I want you all here for church at nine. Bring the women. We’ll meet, then have breakfast.”

After some goodbyes and fist bumps, his brothers filed out of the room leaving him and Jazz alone at the table. For a few charged seconds, they stared at each other until Jazz rose then came to sit by him.

“Can I talk to you about something quickly?”

“Sure, after you convince me nothing more happened at the gas station.”

“Screw they just made some crude comments. Nothing I or any woman hasn’t heard before. Sure, it skeeved me out, but I’m fine. Promise.” She shrugged, and he tried to see through her skull to determine if she was as fine as promised.

With a slow nod, he finally relaxed. “All right. What’d you want to talk about?”

Jazz sighed then took one of his hands in hers. As always, a surge of electricity shot up his arm at the contact. If the quick dilation of her pupils was any indication, she felt it too.

“We’ve had fun, Screw, playing our little cat and mouse flirting game.”

He narrowed his eyes. Where the fuck was she going with this?

“I need to ask you to back off a little…actually a lot. This isn’t me being coy or playing the game. This is me seriously asking you to stop trying to get me in your bed. I know we kissed a couple times, and it was hot, but we can’t do it again. I’m not going to sleep with you. It isn’t going to happen.”

When she was done speaking, she released his hand and folded hers in her lap, watching him expectantly.

As her words registered, each one seemed to prick his skin with a sharp pain. “So you and the tall guy, huh?”

“What? No.” She shook her head. “We’re friends.” With a shrug, she bit her lower lip. “That’s not the point. The point is that this game between us needs to stop. I’m not trying to be a bitch here, Screw, but I need to ask you to respect my decision.”

“Hmm.” He tilted his head and stroked over his bottom lip. “You know, the best way to keep me from flirting with you is to keep my mouth occupied. So, if you’re not gonna make use of him, maybe you could gag me with that tall drink of water out there. Bet he’s got a niiice cock.” He waggled his eyebrows while licking his lips. Though the taunt was meant to get under her skin, just the thought of sucking on Gumby’s cock had Screw’s own cock throbbing.

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