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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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“Fuuck,” Jazz moaned as electricity fired through all her limbs. “I’m gonna come,” she shouted against Gumby’s mouth. “Jesus, I’m gonna come so hard.”

“Fucking do it,” he growled in her ear right before sinking his teeth into her neck as he pulled her nipples. Screw sucked her clit and rubbed furiously over that extra sensitive spot in her pussy.

Jazz screamed as her entire body stiffened then exploded. She shoved her hips forward, drawing any extra sensation she could from Screw’s insatiable mouth. She shook and groaned, still fisting both men’s hair. Who knew how long it went on before she realized she was practically balding them as she chanted, “Holy shit,” again and again?

As the orgasm faded away, leaving her a sated blob, she sagged against Gumby.

Screw rose, going straight for her breasts. He sucked one nipple into his mouth than the next.

“Jesus,” she cried. Her entire body felt so sensitive, like a live wire popping and buzzing with energy. With a weak effort, she shoved at Screw’s head while he laughed.

Gumby wrapped his arms around her from behind, supporting her limp body. Once fully standing, Screw pressed a chaste kiss to her lips. Her own flavor lingered on his mouth and she couldn’t resist reaching out to run her thumb across his swollen lips.

“Kiss him,” she whispered.

“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Screw wound an arm around Gumby, trapping her between them as the two men shared a passionate kiss over her head.

Her sex clenched as though she hadn’t just had a monster orgasm.

“Come on,” Screw said after the kiss ended. “Let’s get some sleep.”


“Sleep?” she asked. “Really? But what about—”

“We’re good, babe. We wanted to take care of you this time.”

This time. As though there’d be a next time. Nice thought, but she wouldn’t hold her breath. Besides, there were so many questions, so much to talk about. Until a few days ago, she hadn’t even known Gumby was attracted to men. Not that it mattered, but…shouldn’t she have known?

He gave her a little nudge and she followed Screw toward the bed. As though he belonged, he slid under the covers and scooted to the far edge. “It’s just a queen,” she said with a laugh. “Not sure we’ll all fit.”

“Guess we’ll have to sleep close,” Gumby said in her ear. He gave her a playful slap on the ass. “Come on girl, get that sweet body under the covers before you freeze.”

“Let me just put something on.”

“Fuck no,” Screw said. “Get in here.”

She stared at the bed for a moment before shrugging and climbing in, naked.

Turning, she watched Gumby slip in next to her. Screw wrapped a muscled forearm around her waist and pulled her flush against him. Gumby wiggled close, pressing up against her front.

Sleep would never come. Not after such an emotionally charged afternoon. But perhaps she could find a measure of peace for a few hours, tucked between the two men who’d gotten her to finally share her story.

Though shaken by both confessing her darkest secret and the intensity of the physical encounter, her soul felt…different. Lighter, maybe. The acceptance they showed her of the story and her scarred body provided a balm to her aching psyche.

When it came down to it, being shunned for the way she looked proved to be the greatest fear. Though solitude, keeping herself covered, and avoiding relationships gave her control over her isolation, she still faced the same end result. Revealing herself to a man who had the power to crush her with rejection robbed her of her power. So, she’d lived in self-imposed relationship exile. But they’d accepted her. More than that, they’d wanted her, desired her sexually, and had given her indescribable pleasure. For the first time in ages, confidence filled her.

Was this a one off or would it happen again? And did she even want it to happen again? Screw certainly wasn’t known for sticking around, so the smart thing would be to expect nothing and if she was gifted another experience like this one, take it and revel in it. And if she woke alone in the bed, the knowledge that for a little while they’d truly wanted her would have to be enough.

God, it felt perfect surrounded by the two men who’d been stuck in her head these past few weeks.

Warmth from the two strong male bodies blanketing her seeped into her bones. Strength too. Along with someone’s intoxicating cologne. In a matter of seconds, her eyelids grew heavy and she was pulled into the lull of sleep.

Too bad perfection was nothing more than a beautiful illusion.


THE MOMENT SCREW opened his eyes, events of the afternoon came rushing back like he’d been hit with a fire hose spray. His body, especially the part that had gone to bed hard and aching, wanted to recall the most erotic encounter of his life, but his brain couldn’t shake the horrifying ordeal Jazz had been through.

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