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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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Someone was in for it, in the worst way, and by the compressed set of Screw’s mouth and the way he kept his gaze on the ground, Jazz had a sinking feeling he would be on the receiving end of Copper’s wrath in about five seconds.

Her heart fluttered with anxiety as she tried to get either Screw’s or Gumby’s attention by sending telepathic messages. After a few seconds, Gumby gave her a small smile and mouthed, “we’re okay.” Looked like that was the best she was gonna get since Screw still appeared mesmerized by her worn, beige carpet.

“Copper what’s wr—” Shell started.

“Kitchen, ladies,” Copper barked.

Jazz flinched and began to move, as did Toni, but Shell stood her ground. “What’s going on?” she asked, voice soft and soothing as though speaking to a wild animal.

“I said kitchen.”

Shell raised an eyebrow and Jazz swallowed hard. She was a brave, brave woman taking on that scary man. Then again, she lived with him and it was well known she had the big, bad club president wrapped around her pinkie.

Copper blew out a breath then walked to his wife. “Sorry, babe,” he whispered down to her before kissing her. “Can you guys give us a few minutes, please?”

“You know we can still hear you from the kitchen, right?” Jazz said.

Why had they come to Jazz’s house instead of going to the clubhouse if they wanted privacy?

Just as she was about to voice the question, Copper ran a hand down his face as he glanced her way. “Fuck it,” he said. “You got a right to know what’s going on since you live here.”

What the hell? Was she in danger? Was Paul—

No! That was her mind, running out of control. Paul was going to be locked up for a long time. This had nothing to do with him. She’d spent so much of her life worrying about where he was and when he’d return. Old habits were hard to break. She was safe from him. This was something club related.


Shell turned her wide-eyed gaze on Jazz.

Her legs felt like lead, unable to move until Toni placed a hand on her shoulder. “Let’s sit, hon.”

Nodding, she dropped back down to the couch. Toni sat next to her, holding one of her hands while Shell also came to sit on the couch.

As though they actually had left the room, Copper turned his back on the couch and just…exploded.

“Give me one good reason why I shouldn’t rip that cut off your back and burn the fuck out of it!” He screamed the words so loud, Jazz nearly jumped out of her skin. She’d thought they’d startled her when they burst through the door, but that was nothing compared to the fear Copper’s tone elicited now.

Finally, Screw lifted his head, giving Copper the respect his president was due. Jazz had to hand it to him. She’d probably burst out crying and cower in the corner if someone screamed at her with such vehemence.

“Copper, I know you’re pissed and that I deserve it. I ignored a direct order, but you need to hear—”

“Ignored a direct order?” He shouted. “That’s what you think this is about? Goddammit.”

“Do you understand what you’ve done here, Screw? Do you have any clue the danger your fucking screwball ways have put Jazmine in?”

Wait? What? Screw put her in danger?

“Who the fuck knows what Jeremy is going to do now? Who knows how deep he’s in with the Chrome Disciples?”

Jeremy? The Chrome Disciples? What the hell was going on? What had Screw done?

It felt like she was at a tennis match with her gaze pinging between Copper and Screw. Screw appeared to be biting back some caustic words of his own as he stood there being chastised by his president.

“Do you give a shit about this club? Is this all just a big joke to you?”

Hey, now, Screw was many things. Yes, he was a jokester, a womanizer, a sex fiend, but Jazz had no doubt at all he loved his brothers and took his role in the club seriously. Showing it may not be his strength, but he felt it. Of that she was sure. Just as she was about to speak up, Toni’s hand clamped down on her thigh and she bit back the words.

Shit, Toni was right. Copper wouldn’t take kindly to her butting into club business, even if he was conducting it at her house, in front of her.

“No, prez. It’s not a joke to me at all.”

“You went to a party at the CDMC clubhouse without backup after I fucking forbade it.”


Her stomach soured as the magnitude of what could have happened to Screw hit her with the force of an avalanche. One look at Gumby’s solemn face and she knew her friend had gone as well.

They’d lied to her.

“I think I’m gonna be sick,” she muttered, pressing a hand to her stomach.

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