Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8) - Page 84

Had his dick sucked? Yes.

Fucked some nameless, faceless guy in the bathroom of a club? Yes.

But never allowed the intimacy of kissing. It was too much. Too real.

When Screw growled into his mouth, Gumby tightened his hold on the other man even more. Soft fingers sifted through his hair, so in contrast with the rawness of the kiss, holding his mouth against Screw’s.

When his lungs screamed with the need to suck in air, Gumby finally released Screw’s lips. A smirk and a wink were what greeted him on Screw’s face. That and swollen lips, fiery eyes, and flushed skin.

“God,” Jazz whispered. She leaned in, licking Screw’s bottom lip before she treated Gumby to the same act.

He hadn’t thought it possible for his cock to get harder, but knowing Jazz had both his and Screw’s flavor on her tongue had his dick swelling to the point of painful.

“I don’t know what any of this means,” she said in a near whisper. “Screw, I fought you for so long, and Gumby we came so close to having a chance but were robbed. Everything is such a mess right now, and so confusing. My head is a jumble of insane thoughts, but there’s one thing I know for certain.”

“What, Jazzy?” Gumby asked.

“I’ve never felt before like I did last night. Yes, physically it was incredible. But even more than that, I felt so…safe with you two and free to let go. Right here, and right now, I want you both more than I want to breathe.”

“You have us,” Screw said with a wink.

“Bedroom?” Gumby’s throat had dried to the point the words sounded more like a croak.

“Your show, Jazzy. You want us in your bed?”

“Yes,” she said, a gorgeous smile expanding across her face. “That’s exactly where I want you, boys. My bed.”

“Well then give this pony a slap and let’s giddy-up on in there.” In a feat of strength that had Jazz yelping, Screw shifted her from the front of his body to the back. Her yip of surprise turned into laughter when Screw neighed like a horse and did a little gallop.

“You’re crazy,” she said on a laugh. Then she reached down and gave him a sharp slap on his ass. “Let’s go, boy.”

With another ridiculous neigh, Screw galloped down the hallway, giving Jazz a piggyback ride to her room.

Gumby couldn’t help but chuckle as the sound of Jazz’s joyful laughter filled the house. It was the perfect break in a moment growing a bit too intense. A bit too real-life. This was about sex. Exploring a kink all three of them got off on.

Screw couldn’t handle more than a few romps. Gumby wouldn’t form a relationship with a man. And Jazz? Well she might be willing to engage in this threesome behind closed doors, but she’d never want or expect to go public.

Gumby reached the room just in time to see Screw toss a giggling Jazmine on the bed.

“Well, sweetheart,” Screw said, “How do you want us?”

With her cheeks flushed and her eyes glassy, Jazz looked downright edible. “Clothes off,” she said.

“Don’t have to ask me twice.” Screw reached for the hem of his shirt.

“Nuh-uh.” Jazz shook her head, lower lip between her teeth. God, why did she have to be so damn tempting? “Undress each other.”

Fuck. Part of him had been hoping they’d focus solely on Jazz. Figures she’d want to see him and Screw together as well.

“Even better,” Screw said. He moved in front of Gumby, smirk in place. Cocking his head to the side, he waited for permission to proceed. Though Gumby was under no illusion this was the man’s way of asking for consent. It was a challenge. Throwing down the gauntlet to see if Gumby was man enough to accept.

And, fuck, how he wanted it. Wanted it so bad his hands shook. Wanted to feel Screw’s hands all over his body as he removed every stitch of clothing Gumby wore while Jazz watched. Then he wanted to return the favor, revealing Screw’s body inch by inch.

This meant nothing. Experimentation. Exploring. None of this defined him in any way.

A single nod was all he gave Screw before the man’s hands landed on his chest.

“He may not have my bulk, but he’s certainly no slouch in the muscle department, Jazz,” Screw said as those hands drifted down the fabric covering his abs. Leaving one hand on Gumby’s stomach, Screw circled around to his back. He brushed his nose against Gumby’s neck, inhaling a long breath. “Damn, he smells good. All man.”

A hand gripped his T-shirt on either side of his waist.

With her rapt attention on him, Jazz’s chest began to rise and fall in a rapid clip as though the anticipation of seeing him without his clothes was foreplay in itself.

“Arms up, handsome,” Screw whispered in his ear.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024