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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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She frowned as she watched Screw drive off through the front window of the diner. “What happened?”

“Nothing for you to worry about.” His phone rang just as he took a bite of the perfectly seasoned hash browns. “Shit. That’ll be Copper. I gotta take this.”

If it was even possible, her frown deepened, and a V formed between her eyes. “Copper? Why is he calling you?”

“Fill you in later.” He lifted the phone to his ear. “Hey, Copper, Screw told me to expect your call.”

Jazz narrowed her eyes in that way women had of letting a man know he wasn’t even close to being off the hook.

Now he owed an apology to Screw and an explanation to Jazz.

Fuck my life.

He chatted with Copper for a moment before agreeing to head over to the clubhouse once he’d finished his meal. After uncovering the mystery of what Copper needed, he’d find out where Screw lived and pay him a visit.

An apology visit.

Which would maybe lead to a round of make-up sex.

Really? That’s where his mind decided to go? He shifted on the booth. His mind and his dick apparently.

Seriously, fuck my life.


JAZZ WATCHED FROM behind the counter as Gumby spoke with Copper on his cell. Every sixth sense, red-flag-o-meter, and inner sage she possessed had gone on full alert the moment he’d taken that call.

Copper would call Gumby for one reason and one reason only. Something was going down with the club and they needed his assistance. But why? What could Gumby offer as a club outsider that the MC itself couldn’t provide?

As the handsome man nodded his head then pushed his glasses up his nose, she smiled. The move had always endeared her to him. Truth be told, Gumby was the least biker looking biker she knew. Sure, he wore leather, boots, a cut, plenty of metal and carried himself with the confidence of the bikers she knew, but strip it all away and he could easily play a handsome businessman or even a geeky gamer.

Gumby kept his hair short, neat, and well styled. Only a few tattoos decorated his skin. As far as she’d seen he’d never even let his face get scruffy, and for a mechanic, his fingernails seemed to have much fewer permanent grease stains than all the other No Prisoners who worked in the garage. Even Acer, who’d been raised in a high society family, had more of a badass look to him. Gumby seriously gave off an extra-tall Clark Kent vibe, and she dug it. It ticked all her boxes. While he may not look the rugged, alpha biker, appearances could be deceiving, and Gumby could throw down with the best of them.

He hung up, dropped his head, and his shoulders rose and fell before he quickly downed his meal. The urge to go to him and demand answers rode her hard, but the bell jangled, indicating a customer had arrived. When she saw it was Mama V and Viper, she darted over to greet the beloved couple.

“Cassie,” she said, wrapping her arms around the thin woman. “I can’t believe you’re here!”

“Hello, my girl,” Mama V said, patting Jazz on the back.

“Viper.” Jazz kissed the older man on his furry cheek. “I can’t tell you how thrilled I am to see you two in here. Come sit.” She guided them to a booth, slipping in next to Mama V. “You must be feeling a little better if you’re out and about.”

She’d been diagnosed with lymphoma not too long ago and was well into an intensive course of chemotherapy. One that had wrecked her more than the disease. Or at least that’s how it seemed, watching her get sick after each treatment.

“She woke up from a nap hungry as a horse,” Viper said, giving his wife of thirty some years a smile.

Cassie captured Jazz’s hand in hers. “I’m feeling well today, yes. And tomorrow I have chemo which means a few days of misery, so I figured I’d take advantage of this good day and fill my belly with delicious food. Plus, I wanted to see my girls.”

Jazz couldn’t keep the smile off her face. She’d been so worried for Cassie. “Can I come visit in a day or two? Give Viper a break from nurse duty?”

“I’d love that, honey. Yes.”

“How are the treatments going?”

“Doc says she’s a dream patient,” Viper said with a proud smile. “They couldn’t be happier with the way it’s going. We are well on the way to remission.” He shot his ol’ lady a wink.

Sweeter words had never been spoken. “Oh, that’s amazing.”

Mama V’s eyes grew misty. “I’m a little afraid to be relieved, but yes, my oncologist says things couldn’t be progressing better than they are.”

Jazz’s own eyes prickled. “God, that’s so good to hear. I don’t know what I would do without you two.” She gave Cassie a hug then shook her head to clear the tears. “That’s enough with the heavy stuff. What can I get you to eat?”

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