Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8) - Page 114

How she could stay in such high spirits despite all she’d been through over the past few months would always remain a mystery to Jazz.

“Just drape your jacket over the chair there, honey, and come get some coffee.”

Cassie padded into the kitchen as Jazz did what she’d requested. She entered the kitchen to find Cassie doctoring up two steaming mugs of coffee.

“So,” Cassie said as she turned from the task. “Want to tell me why your eyes are sad and you’re at an old lady’s house when you should be out enjoying your day off?”

Tears immediately prickled the corners of Jazz’s eyes and clogged her throat. “Can’t a girl just visit her surrogate mom because she loves her?” Oh, God, even to her own ears she sounded choked up.

“Yes,” Cassie said with a patient smile. “She sure can. And she has, many times. But today, she’s here because she needs a little mothering, am I right?”

That was all it took for the floodgates to open. A few kind words from someone who’d never judge her. Water erupted from her eyes, falling down her face in big, fat ugly tears. Jazz’s shoulders shook as the first wrenching sobs tore from deep in her gut.

Cassie immediately embraced her, wrapping her thin arms around Jazz’s shoulders and rocking her side to side. “Oh, honey,” she said, in the most soothing tone. “Promise you, whatever it is, it can’t be as bad as you fear.”

Jazz hiccupped out a laugh. “It’s w-worse.”

With a soft chuckle, Cassie rubbed her back then guided her into a chair. “Here, sweetie.” She handed Jazz a tissue she seemed to pull from thin air.

“T-thank you.” As Jazz dabbed her eyes and nose, Cassie set the coffee mugs on the table.

“Okay, sweetie. Spill it. What’s going on?” She sat, scooting her chair so their knees were pressed up against each other, then she reached out and captured one of Jazz’s hands in her soft ones. They were much gaunter than they used to be but still so loving and exactly what Jazz had been looking for that morning.

A new round of waterworks kicked up. She covered her eyes with her free hand as she said, “I think I’m in love with two men.”

Cassie’s eyes widened and her mouth fell open before she shut it again, but those were the only indications of shock she’d given. Of course, the news came as a shock. Jazz had kept her…thing with Screw and Gumby completely quiet from everyone she knew.

“Oh, honey.” She stroked her thumb over the back of Jazz’s hand. “I’m so sorry. I can’t imagine what kind of pressure you must be under trying to make a choice like that.”

“Oh, God.” Jazz sniffed. She stared at their joined hands, face hot as she said, “That’s not even the issue.”

“What do you mean?” Though her tone was full of compassion and acceptance, Jazz couldn’t lift her eyes and meet Cassie’s gaze. She’d die if she saw disapproval in Mama V’s eyes when she admitted the truth.

“It’s not a love triangle. It’s more of a love…circle.”

Silence fell, and finally the curiosity got the best of her. She lifted her head, staring straight at Cassie.

“Do you mean the three of you are in a relationship?” her friend asked carefully.

With a hiccup and a nod, Jazz whispered, “Yes. Though I think I may be the only one who considers it an actual relationship.” She looked down again. “This is so embarrassing.”

“Honey,” Cassie said, voice firm. “Look at me.”

Jazz glanced up, feeling like her face might melt right off.

“I’ve spent more than thirty years around motorcycle clubs. Child, I’ve seen and heard everything. And I mean everything. There’s nothing you can shock me with. You think you’re the first woman to be in a triad?”

Jazz blinked. Huh? “You don’t think it’s weird?”

“Honey, if cancer has taught me anything, it’s that life is so very short. I am not going to spend my precious minutes judging anyone else’s life. I have much better things to do with my gift of time.” Her smile was full of acceptance and love.

Jazz sighed out a small laugh. “Mama V, you are truly my favorite person in the whole world.”

“Of course I am, dear,” Cassie said as she patted Jazz’s hand. “Now drink your coffee and tell me all about it. Leave no details out.” She winked.

Jazz could only hope to be half as amazing as Cassie when she grew up. As instructed, she sipped from the Harley Davidson mug. As the warm liquid slid down to her stomach, it heated her from the inside out, chasing away the chill of fear she’d been combating all morning.

“Ooh, can I guess who it is?” Cassie asked, eyes sparkling. She waggled her eyebrows.

Damn it was good to see her zest for life returning.

“Seriously? I come to you in crisis and you’re gonna sit there and get all hot and bothered.” As the heavy weight lifted from her shoulders, Jazz grinned.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024