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Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8)

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He tried to sidestep her, but she put her hands on his chest, rubbing up and down. Like the wild animal he portrayed, her touch seemed to ground him a tiny bit.

“Hey,” she said, grabbing his face and forcing him to look directly at her. “He is okay. He was not hurt, he was not arrested. Gumby is okay and will be here in a little bit.”

He grunted, circling her wrists with his strong hands. But instead of the tight hold prying her away, he just held her palms against his bearded cheeks.

“He is okay, but if he wasn’t, it wouldn’t be on you, Screw. You did what your club needed. He is a grown man who made a choice to stay behind. That is not your fault. You did not fail him. You did not fail your club. You did not fail me. And you sure as hell did not fail yourself.”

He cocked an eyebrow and opened his mouth.

“No!” she said, placing her palm over his lips. “No jokes. I want the real Screw.”

He moved so fast, all she could do was gasp as her back hit the wall. The near violence of the move had heat flushing through her. He’d never hurt her, not in a million years. There wasn’t a single part of her that feared his agitated mood. But he might take his aggression out on her in another way and that knowledge awoke a primal need deep within her.

Screw’s hands slapped the wall on either side of her head. He pressed his lower body into her, erection nestled against her stomach. His chest rose and fell with heavy breaths. “You say you want me to be real?”

“Yes,” she said on an exhale, unable to resist the urge to arch her body into his erection.

“You say it, but I don’t know if you mean it. I don’t know if you can handle it.” He tapped the side of his head. “It can be a dark place. A fucking disaster I can barely deal with.”

“I want it,” she said, voice steady as she looked into his eyes swirling with hesitant need. “I want the gritty, raw, emotional mess who feels totally out of control right now. Give him to me.” As he frowned down at her, she gripped the hem of her fleecy pajama top and pulled it over her head, bearing her scars to him. She’d forgone the bra, so every deformity, every mark was plainly on display. With a trembling hand, she pulled his off the wall and placed it over her breast, the disfigured nipple stabbing into the center of his palm. “I gave it all to you. Every painful part. I won’t hurt you, Luke. Give me everyt—”

He crushed his mouth to her in a kiss that shot her into orbit. It was frantic, dirty, bordering on sloppy as they attacked each other without finesse. His hand curled around her breast, molding the flesh while she shivered beneath him. It was as though they were trying to consume one another. Trying to absorb the other’s pain and replace it with erotic pleasure.

“Luke,” she said on a gasp as he licked his way to her neck. When he sucked hard on her pulse point, she gripped his hair and held him against her, wanting nothing more than to bear evidence of their desire tomorrow.

Screw wasted no time divesting her of the rest of her clothing. He shoved her pajama pants and panties down, kicking them across the kitchen when they hit the floor. His thick fingers found her entrance as though they were connected by some magnetic force.

“Oh, fuck, you’re wet. You want me, Jazzy? Want me in this pretty pussy?”


“Want all of me?”


“Want me even though I’m fucked in the head right now? Want it hard and rough and fast?”

More wetness slid from her body, coating his hand where he played with her. A smirk curled his lips like he didn’t need her to answer because her body had done it for her.


“Yes, Luke. I want you exactly like that. Fuck yes.” He was alive, safe, and with her, and now she needed her body and heart to understand that as her mind did.

As he fumbled to open his belt and pants, he cursed then said, “Only goddammed time I don’t have a fucking condom on me.”

No doubt, he had plenty in the house, but damn if either of them wanted to take the time to locate one.

Jazz grabbed his arms. “I’m religious about my birth control pill. You and Gumby are the only ones I’ve been with since I’ve been tested.”

He growled and pulled himself out, fisting his cock and giving a few rough tugs. “Got tested before Christmas. Haven’t been with anyone but you two either.”

Her eyes nearly fell out of her head. “Christmas was weeks ago.”

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