Screw (Hell's Handlers MC 8) - Page 141

He almost went to Jazz first, but making up with Screw would go a long way toward fixing what he’d broken with Jazz. If they came to her as one, begging for forgiveness, she’d have to grant it, right?

Gumby blew out a breath and knocked lightly on the door. A groan came from the other side. “Go away,” Screw’s sleep-roughened voice called.

Instead of following the command, Gumby opened the door and slipped into the room. Music played from an Echo on his nightstand. Screw lay face down on his bed naked except for a pair of black boxer briefs. His eyes were closed, but he said. “Told you it wasn’t fucking happening. Get the fuck out.”

So, someone had tried to get with him. No surprise there. But he’d resisted. Gumby smiled as he silently toed his boots off. He shut the door, which hopefully Screw interpreted as his departure. Then stripped out of his jacket and Henley before losing his jeans.

After tiptoeing to the bed, he crawled up and onto the mattress, laying himself directly on top of Screw.

“What the hell?” Screw jolted and tried to roll out from under Gumby, but he linked their fingers, pressing Screw’s palms into the mattress and scraped his teeth along the back of his biker’s neck.

“Gumby?” Screw said in a half question, half plea.

His name spoken in that gravelly, sleep-heavy voice had Gumby’s dick hardening against Screw’s ass which drew a groan from the man.

“What the fuck are you—”

“I’m sorry,” he whispered against the shell of Screw’s ear. “So fucking sorry. I fucked up huge and ruined it all. I don’t want to be like this, Screw. I don’t want to fear being…out. I swear I’m fucking trying, and I’m sorry I failed. I told my brothers all about us.”

Screw remained silent as he ground his ass against Gumby’s rock-hard erection. But then he said, “Let me turn over.”

Releasing his hands, Gumby pushed up to a plank position allowing Screw to roll to his back. When he settled down once again, their dicks slid against one another and both men hissed. Thank fuck Screw was as hard as him. Screw still wanted him. At least he had that going for him.

“You’re not the only one who fucked up. I did a pretty stellar job of that myself.” Screw reached up and removed Gumby’s glasses, setting them on the pillow beside his head. “I’ve got something to say and then I think it’s time we go get Jazzy back.”

Gumby closed his eyes as he let Screw’s words wash over him. Sure didn’t sound like the other man was done with him. Done with them. “What do you want to say?”

“First of all, yesterday is forgiven.”


Screw smiled. He smoothed his palms up and down Gumby’s back in a hypnotic rhythm that made him want to purr. That was until Screw closed his hands over Gumby’s ass and squeezed. Then he wanted to howl. “I love you, Gumby. I don’t care if I can’t ever announce it to the fucking world. I love you and I love Jazz. I think you’re loyal, and smart, and the perfect amount of calm to my insanity. I think you’re the sexiest man I’ve ever met. You’re a man I’m proud of and proud to be with. I can’t lose you and if that means waiting until you’re more comforta—umph.”

Gumby crashed his mouth down on Screw’s. It only took his lover a second to get with the program before he was attacking Gumby back. They kissed as they rutted against each other.

“I love you, too, Luke. Jazmine just as much. You might not believe me, but I promise I’ll prove it to you.” He pulled back, breathless as he stared at his man. “You care so much, so deeply and I’m so fucking proud of how you’re learning to accept that about yourself. You’re perfect for me. Perfect for us. I’m gonna love you so good, you’ll wonder why you ever feared relationships.”

This time Screw cut him off with a sharp nip to his lower lip before he bucked his hips and flipped them over.

“Never fucking thought I’d want to hear those words,” Screw said, grinding their hips together. “But they’re incredible.”

Gumby arched his neck as sharp need nearly had him begging for more. He held Screw’s arms so tight, his nails scored the skin around those sexy fucking biceps. The pain only made Screw thrust harder against him. God, he loved this. The way he could be as rough as he wanted. The way they could take their near violent urges out on each other. Screw would never balk at harsh treatment and neither would Gumby.

No, he’d fucking demand it.

“I’ve avoided it my whole fucking life,” he continued his hot mouth doing sinful things to Gumby’s chest and nipples. “Say it again.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024