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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

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“Right?” The prez waited with an atypical look of patience on his scruffy face.

“Right,” Rocket growled.

“They’d only been married a few months. She couldn’t live with his death, and killed herself only months after hearing the news, am I right?”

Jesus Christ. Rocket scrubbed a hand down his face as memories of the second worst moment of his life bombarded his brain. The sick feeling he’d lived with for nearly two years following that tragedy returned as well. “You’re right.”

“And you were the unlucky fuck who found her passed out on her bedroom floor, an empty bottle of pills next to her. Ever since then, you’ve made it your personal mission to protect those around you. Never could figure out whether it’s penance for what you think you didn’t catch in time, or just your way of making sure no one you care about gets hurt again. If it’s the first reason, you’re wrong, because that shit wasn’t your fault.” Copper shrugged. He knew he’d never break through Rocket’s guilt over Elena’s death, so he didn’t bother to try too hard. “Makes for a damn good SAA. Also makes you willing to go above and beyond for someone you care about. But if it fucks with club business again, I’m stepping in, hear me?”

Rocket nodded. As he’d been doing for years, he shoved aside the past and forced himself to focus on the here and now. “Heard and understood, prez.” He started to rise. Time to get the fuck out of here before Copper started telling him how handsome he was or some other equally ridiculous bullshit.

“Now, what’s Esposito want?”

Fuck. His ass hit the seat again.

Just hearing the name fall from Copper’s lips had Rocket’s hands itching to wring someone’s neck. “Wants me for a job.”

“You tell him to fuck off?”


“And I’m guessing he’s not accepting that answer.”


“Jesus, Rocket, talking to you is worse than talking to a fucking teenager. Give me something here.”

Seconds ticked by. As much as he trusted and respected his president, he loathed the idea of bringing his personal shit to the club’s doorstep. Taking care of it himself came naturally to him even after years of helping handle the rest of the brothers’ issues. Why endanger his brothers if he could shield them? Huh, maybe he could be a bit of a protector. “Whoever the target is, Esposito wants me for it. Only me. He won’t even consider anyone else. I’ve been putting him off for weeks. Guessing at some point he’s going to turn up the heat. He’s an underhanded fucker who’ll do just about anything to get what he wants. I don’t have any blood family I give a shit about so I’d normally say he’d come after my club family, but he’s not stupid. He’d know that was a fucking mistake. Still, if he’s desperate enough…” Rocket shrugged.

“If he’s desperate enough he might fuck with the club.”

Rocket nodded.

Copper rolled his lips inward. “Okay. What are you thinking? What’s his style?”

“Well, his usual style is to threaten a wife, or kids. Show his face, let you know he can get you whenever. I’ve known him to fuck with people’s finances and shit too. Best guess? He’ll send the local PD sniffing around. Maybe make a few false reports. That kinda shit. Worse case, he goes after an ol’ lady, but I have trouble seeing him take that route. He doesn’t want a pissed MC on his ass.” Truth of it was, if any of the ol’ ladies were threatened, Rocket would go apeshit. He may not be overly chummy with them, but he considered each and every one of his brother’s women family. He’d maim, kill, or take a bullet to protect any of them.

Protective. Copper’s voice sounded in his head.

Two more strokes of his chin and Copper said, “I’m not ready to bring the entire club in on this yet, but you need to wrap your head around the idea that you might have to share your past with them if shit gets hairy.”

“Hairy shit. Fucking awesome.” Hence the rat that’d been gnawing at his gut the past few days. His club brothers wouldn’t judge, they weren’t that type, but it was shit he didn’t like thinking about, let alone blabbing to everyone he knew. “I get it.”

Copper chuckled. “Okay, keep me posted and let me know if he’s escalating to the point he wants to take some action. We’ll batten down if we need to.”

“Thanks, prez.”

Copper held out a fist which Rocket bumped his against. “Keep your head in the game, brother.” His tone was grave. “We’ll get Lefty and find a way to let the girl know he’ll never hurt another woman again. I get that you feel territorial and need to keep an eye on her, but don’t cross any lines, get me?”

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