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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

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What the hell was wrong with her?

A psychologist would probably tell her it was a control issue. Her routine was very regulated, controlled, precise. Going out with Scott and his army buddy, she wouldn’t be in control of the situation. Probably why the encounter with Logan had thrown her for a loop.

Oh, no. Not doing it. Nope. Not thinking about Logan. Again.

“Great,” Scott said. “The wine tasting starts in an hour. I’m gonna grab a shower then we can bug out.” As he walked by, he ruffled her hair again.

Chloe snapped to attention and gave her brother a dramatic salute. “Sir, yes, sir!” she barked like she’d seen soldiers do in the movies.

His chuckle followed him out of the room. “You’re such a little shit,” he called out.

Chloe smiled. She may be a fully-grown adult, but she was still a younger sister. Being a little shit, was a rite of passage.

Two hours later, it was seven PM, and Chloe was seconds away from crawling out of her skin. Literally, her flesh felt itchy and too tight. She rubbed her right forearm again and again until the skin practically screamed at her to stop. Glancing down, she caught the bright red track she’d left on her arm from too many forceful scours with the heel of her hand. And why had she worn this damn dress? A few weeks ago, when she’d worn this to the bar, she’d felt sexy, confident, proud. Now she just felt exposed and vulnerable. Two things guaranteed to ramp up her anxiety.

“You having fun, sis?” Scott asked, a huge grin on his face. He was loving this. The large crowd was full of buzzed, socializing post-work folks just looking to let loose for a few hours. Neither of them drank much more than sampling a few of the wines. They’d driven in separate cars so Scott could continue on to his buddy’s place and Chloe could head home afterward.

Seeing him so happy and relaxed had guilt gnawing at her. Here he was wanting to spend time with her in a setting that she’d have loved last year, and she could think of nothing beyond watching the minute hand creep toward closing. Plastering a smile on her face, she said, “Definitely, Scott. You know me and wine. This is right up my alley.”

His grin grew even bigger, and pride shown in his eyes. It was then she got it. This wasn’t about him. He’d suggested this for her. Because the Chloe he knew would have eaten this kind of event right up. Poor guy probably thought he was giving her exactly what she needed. Drawing her out of the hole she’d buried herself in. Healing her.

She didn’t have the heart to tell him how miserable she was. How her chest was tight, her heart pounded, and her insides shook like a vibrating bed. Problem was, if this kept up too long, she was bound to slide into a full-blown panic attack.

“I’m starved,” Scott announced. “Want me to grab us something from the counter?”

“Sure, I’d like that.” The pangs in her stomach had nothing to do with hunger, but again, she couldn’t let him down.

“All right. Be right back. You good?”

“Of course.” The moment he turned his back on her, Chloe rested her head against the high-top table and tried to control her breathing.

“You’re fine,” she muttered against the polished wood. “Scott’s here and you’re fine.”

“Looks like I’m not the only one who finds this to be a snooze fest, huh?” A male voice said from not far above her bent head.

“What?” Chloe shot up nearly clipping the newcomer’s chin. “Oh, shit! Sorry!”

He chuckled. “No worries, you missed by a hair. Were you taking a nap?”

Light blue eyes full of teasing and laughter met her gaze. He was an attractive man. Golden hair, clean shaven face, full lips, smartly dressed in the suit he’d worn to work. His smile turned a bit cocky as he noticed her checking him out. Probably assumed she liked what she saw. Not that she didn’t, but she wasn’t remotely interested. There was only one way she could feel a flicker of interest in a man and it wasn’t in this uncontrolled environment.

“Uh, no, just having a moment.” Her laughter was definitely of the nervous variety. Again, this guy probably read it wrong. Probably thought she was flustered by his attention in the tee-hee-hee way, not in the freak-out way.

He stepped even closer, until he was officially too far into her personal space. “Mind if I join you for a few? A woman who looks as beautiful as you should never sit alone.”

Chloe’s gut clenched and her throat felt drier than the Sahara. “Um, well, I—”

“I promise I’ll behave,” he said with a wink as he dragged the empty chair around the table directly next to her before sliding into it. His thigh brushed hers. “At least for a while.”

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