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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

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Logan wasn’t only messing with her body, he was melting her brain.

Scott’s scowl deepened. “Sorry, sis. I didn’t realize you were zoned out. Usually you know what’s happening in a five-mile radius around you.”

“Yeah well, you’re paying the ambulance bill when they have to cart me in for a heart attack.” With a shrug, she lifted her head. “I was thinking about something.”

Narrowed eyes joined his frown. “Thinking about what?”

She chuckled as she grabbed a handful of paper towels from the roll. “Nothing important. Didn’t realize you were home. How was your date?”

Miracle of miracles, Scott had stayed at his buddy’s house through Sunday evening the weekend before, giving her a chance to meet Logan for a second time without having to make up some story about where she was headed on a Saturday night when she barely left the house during daylight. Midweek, he’d met some chick as he ran through the park and planned to take her out Friday, which happened to be tonight. Another chance to have a few more of those stellar orgasms without having to account for her time out of the house.

That left tomorrow night. Was there a way she could pull off another night of Logan, cuffed to the bed and ready to eat her until she screamed? Just thinking about it had her shivering in anticipation and remembering the three times she’d come that evening. The most recent just an hour ago.

“What the fuck, Clo?”


“I said my date was good.” He bobbed his eyebrows, some of the pissed off expression morphing into a dirty smirk. “And how did you not notice I was here? My truck is parked right out front.”

She really was off her game. Best to let that question go unanswered. Otherwise she’d have to admit to her own dates. Ha, dates? More like unconventional sex appointments. “Good, huh? How good could it have been? You’re home before midnight.” Her face flamed as the words left her mouth. Didn’t take all night to send someone into the stratosphere. She damn well knew that.

“Good enough I’m not giving details to my little sister.”

Chloe smacked his arm. “Works for me. I’m in the mood for brownies. If you make me vomit, I won’t be able to eat them, and then I’ll have to kill you. Here.” She handed him a wad of paper towels.

“Don’t need it. Use it on the counter.” Scott lifted his forearm and licked the glob of chocolate from his inked skin.

“How is it?” she asked as she wiped the mess off the counter.

“Fuckin’ delicious.”

Chloe snorted. Guess fuckin’ delicious was better than plain old delicious. “They’ll be done in a little over half an hour.” As she spoke, she scraped the batter into the prepared pan then popped them into the oven. “I’ll let you know when you can have one.”

Scott’s laughter had her stomach twisting. He stepped in front of her, blocking her path out of the kitchen. Damnit. She’d been so close.

“What’s going on? You’re spaced out, fucking humming Katy Perry, and you weren’t home when I got in. You never go out at night alone. What gives?”

If he only knew. Wait… “You listen to Katie Perry?”

With a roll of his eyes, he folded his arms over his broad chest. “Nice try. Don’t change the subject.”

It wasn’t so much a subject change as a stall to give her a few more seconds to come up with a believable story. Saying something along the lines of—“I was out with a guy I met at a bar a few weeks ago. I like to tie him up and have sex with him after he makes me come with his mouth”—probably wouldn’t go over too well.

Chloe waved him off, shooting for unaffected. “I was at a girlfriend’s house. Someone I haven’t seen in months. She guilted me into coming over for a glass of wine. Just one,” she said when he opened his mouth. “I’m not stupid, Dad. I knew I wasn’t staying long and had to drive home.”

He didn’t so much as crack a smile at her quip. In fact, he looked like he was in Ranger mode. Working as a human lie detector to find a crack in her exterior. Chloe swallowed and fought to maintain eye contact. A good liar she was not. “That’s bullshit,” he finally said.

“What? No it’s not. That’s where I went.” Damn him and his training.

“No.” He stepped closer and pulled her into a bear hug. Warmth and the scent of her childhood surrounded her, making her want to burrow deeper. “Not what I meant. You shouldn’t let anyone guilt you into anything, Clo. She can’t begin to understand what you’ve been through. None of us can, which means we have no right to judge the way you handle it. If you’re not up for visiting her, she can either come here or fucking wait until you’re ready. You hear me?”

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