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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

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Well, there went her desire for a midnight snack. Talk about a guilt trip. She wrapped her arms around her brother and squeezed him back, hard as she could. Her throat thickened with emotion. “You’re the best big brother ever, you know that?”

He grunted and rubbed her back. “Of course, I know that. But feel free to drop that bomb next time you talk to our other brothers.”

Her laugh broke the tension. Getting the four of them together was always a hoot. Each insanely protective, she’d always been a very well loved and taken care of sister. And cue the guilt for mostly ignoring her other two siblings the past few months. “How about this?” he said. “I’ll cancel my date tomorrow night. We can have a movie fest and finish off whatever brownies we don’t devour tonight. Sound good?”

He had another date tomorrow? Meaning she could meet up with Logan again and he’d never know it. Sure, Scott’s offer sounded great, but she’d already had a much better one. Junk food and hanging with her brother was all well and good, but let’s face it, orgasms from Logan trumped carbs and sibling bonding any day. “Have I mentioned you’re the best brother ever?”

He snickered.

“But seriously, don’t cancel your date. Canceling this early in the game makes you look like a huge a-hole.”

More guilt. Selfish as it was, she wanted the night with Logan more than she could express.

He drew back, staring down at her as though assessing her authenticity. “You sure?”

“Totally sure.”

“Well, then…” He ruffled her hair like only a big brother could do. “Don’t wait up for me tomorrow night. I have a feeling I won’t be making it home.” He held up his hand for a high-five and Chloe shoved it away.

“Oh gross, that poor woman.” She made gagging sounds like she’d done when she was eight and Scott seventeen. At the time, she’d spied on him kissing his date on their front porch. The entire experience had grossed her out beyond belief. It’d been like someone forgot to tell him he’d be passing along his boy cooties to the poor girl. Clearly, she’d grown out of that idea.

“Ha,” he said, playfully shoving her away. “Trust me, the girl will not be gagging.” He started to walk out of the kitchen, then paused, calling over his shoulder, “Well, actually she might gag if—”

“La la la, not listening,” Chloe yelled, fingers in her ears as he walked out of the room laughing.

“Yeah, yeah,” he yelled from halfway down the hall. “Come get me when those brownies are done. Need to start building up my energy for tomorrow night.”

Two seconds later, Chloe realized she was standing in the middle of her kitchen with a big, goofy grin on her face. She felt lighter and more at peace than she had in a very long time. Since her kidnapping, to be exact.

The combination of physical release at night, and family time during the day was soothing her soul in a way she hadn’t expected. And the best part?

She’d be with Logan again tomorrow night.

They’d exchanged numbers for the sole purpose of being able to contact each other if one wasn’t going to be able to meet up. Neither had made contact beyond their standing Friday and Saturday night hook-up.

The radio silence was completely fine by her. In fact, it was preferred. This wasn’t a relationship, they weren’t dating. Hell, they weren’t even friends. In the four times they’d been together, they hadn’t shared any personal information or insights into each other’s lives. She knew nothing more about the man than she did that first week. In fact, aside from the occasional, “fuck yeah” and “give it to me,” Logan didn’t talk much at all. The most verbal he’d been was the night he convinced her to ride his face.

And boy was she glad he had.

Just as she was about to head to the den and plop down in front of the television while she waited for the brownies to bake, her phone chirped.

Snatching it off the counter, she frowned at Logan’s name on the screen. Seriously? Had he heard her thinking about their lack of contact?

Oh, God, what if he couldn’t make it tomorrow night? What if he could make it but decided her fucked-up way of having sex and the fact she could only do it in that one manner was getting old? The guy was downright delicious. Women probably threw themselves at him everywhere he went. Why the hell would he spend his weekends with a head case like her?

Her thumb hovered over the screen, but she couldn’t make herself open the text message. She’d been living in a fantasy of good sex and safety this past week, and she was far from ready to give it up.

With a snort, she rolled her eyes. Thank God Scott was in her guest room or he’d be all over this, trying to find out what she was hiding. Might as well open it. Ignoring it wouldn’t change the facts. If Logan was bailing, she’d find out soon enough, and it’d be much more mortifying to find out if she opened an empty motel room door than seeing his text in the privacy of her own home.

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