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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

Page 45

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Her eyes were bright and shining. Any unpleasant talk of outlaw bikers forgotten. “For me?” she asked as though he was presenting her with diamonds.

“Yeah, babe. You’re practically drooling over there.”

She cocked her head, a flirty smile playing across those tempting lips. Lips he still had yet to kiss even though his mouth had sampled her pussy many times. “Don’t you want the first taste?”

“Considering it can’t possibly be sweeter than what I’ve already had my mouth on tonight, I’m more than willing to give you the first bite.”

Her eyes flared with blatant interest, and Rocket had an insane vision of the two of them leaving together and heading to his place. She wouldn’t make it past his foyer before he had her clothes torn off and his dick buried inside her.

Dangerous thoughts.

“Well,” she said, licking her lips.

His cock jumped.

“If you insist.”

Transfixed, he watched as her lips closed around his fork, then dragged down the tines until the pie was gone. As she chewed, her eyes rolled heavenward, and she let out a low moan. “Oh. My. God,” she said around the generous bite. “That’s amazing.”

Goddamn right it was amazing. Rocket’s cock was angrily protesting the confining fit of his jeans. He shifted on the bench seat. Thankfully the table hid his secrets.

“Want to try mine?” Chloe asked.

“Fuck yeah,” he said. “I’ll try anything you have to offer me.”

She giggled, actually giggled, as she held out a much smaller piece of her chocolate pie. The sound was gorgeous coming from her. Happy, carefree, untortured. Just as she should always be.

Jesus, he was getting fucking sappy.

“You seem to be shorting me on my taste,” he said as he brushed his fingertips across her wrist. She tensed for just one second before meeting his gaze. Slowly, he wrapped his fingers around her wrist, holding the fork in place. Chloe stayed loose but wary.


Of course, they were in public and fully clothed.

“It’s chocolate,” Chloe said. “I’m no dummy.”

With a grunt, he licked the pie off the fork then released her hand. After that, they both dove into their respective desserts and conversation flowed light and natural. Rocket couldn’t remember a time he talked so much. With Chloe it just felt right. She asked a question and he answered. She was open, an attentive listener, and never seemed to pass judgment on whatever it was he told her.

Then again, he was completely lying about who and what he was. So there was that. If she found out he not only knew exactly what happened to her five months ago, but he was the assassin-turned-biker who rescued her, and he’d been practically stalking her since then, there’d be a trail of fire behind her.

Before he knew it, their pie was gone, and coffee cups drained. Silence fell, thick and heavy as they watched each other across the table. He wanted her, again. Seemed he always wanted her. This couldn’t go on for much longer, but he also couldn’t force himself to walk away. Not yet. Not when she was making strides toward recapturing who she was.

“Friday?” he asked.

Chloe tilted her head. Her eyes shifted to the diner’s vacant counter before returning to his. “Logan, I have some issues,” she said in a small voice.

If he was smart, he’d take that and run with it. Use it as an excuse to walk away from her now, before his club became involved. Once Lefty was dead, he could give her that peace and she’d be able to move on with her life.

But he was an idiot.

“We’ve all got fuckin’ issues, Chloe.”

Her smile was sad. “Mine are pretty big.”

“Look,” he said, reaching across the table for her hand. Once again, her attention was drawn to their connection, a small divot appearing between her eyes and matching the slight frown on her lips. But she didn’t pull away. Rocket had to work to keep his smile at bay. Damn, it felt good to slip past her defenses, even an inch at a time. He kept his voice low so they wouldn’t be overheard. “Pretty sure I figured that out already. It’s not exactly every day you meet a woman who wants to tie random men to her bed and fuck them.”

She dropped her head. “I’m pretty fucked up.”

“Well that makes two of us then, babe, because I’m having a fuck of a time walking away from you.”

Lifting her head, she blinked at him. “Really?”


“I’m not sure I’ll ever be able to do…things, differently than we do them. I’m not sure I’m capable of anything more than what this already is.”

“Okay. Then it is what it is. Friday?”

One nod. “Friday.”

Why did he feel such relief at that one word? “Come an hour early. I’ll order pizza. Maybe if we feed you first, we can keep your stomach from going crazy.”

She fell silent, those pretty green eyes hiding a whole room full of fear. “O-okay.”

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