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Rocket (Hell's Handlers MC 5)

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Copper studied her until she could no longer stand the intense scrutiny. Thank God for his observant woman. “Copper, stop scowling at her. You’re freaking her out.” She elbowed him then smiled brightly at Chloe. “Sorry, Chloe, he’s just growly because he’s working through this new threat to the club.”

“It’s all right.” God, she wished she had something to do with her hands besides play with the hem of Rocket’s T-shirt.

“I can’t believe Rocket is taking you to his house. None of us have ever been there.” She looked up at her man who was still staring at Chloe. “Well maybe this lug has, but no one else. It’s actually become somewhat of an urban legend among the guys. Rumor has it he lives in a mid-century castle complete with a dungeon and tall towers.”

Copper made a sound close to a snort.

“What?” Shell blinked up at her man, giving him an innocent smile. But her lips betrayed her. They twitched with the effort not to laugh.

“What the hell are you going on about? A fucking castle in the Smokey Mountains?”

Shell just shrugged, lifting her hands. “Just what I’ve heard.”

With a roll of his eyes, Copper pulled her close to his side. He might pretend to be annoyed, but his eyes now sparkled with mirth, making him a much less menacing character. “You know what a Sergeant at Arms is?”

Hello topic change. “Uh, no, I don’t have a clue.”

Nodding, Copper said, “It’s an officer position within the MC. Basically protector of the club. No one better for that job than Rocket. He’s held the position for the past few years.”

Copper hit the nail on the head; she couldn’t imagine a man better fit for the job. Logan was nothing if not protective. Warmth filled Chloe’s chest. After suffering through what she had, the idea of having her own personal protector was very appealing. Not that she didn’t want to learn to defend and guard herself. Standing on her own two feet was vital, but having someone in her corner who would always try to step between the evil of the world and her made her heart soar.

“This shit with his past is fucking with his head. You get what I’m saying?”

Like a crate full of bricks, Copper’s underlying meaning slammed into her. Shit, she should have seen it earlier. Her only excuse was that she was still learning about the man who’d come to mean so much to her in a short period of time. “I think I do. Lo—uh, Rocket feels as though he is failing in his job. He feels responsible for bringing danger and trouble to the club.”

Copper nodded and his eyes softened. “The man might put some distance between you. It’s not personal. Just how he deals with shit.”

“I understand. I can give him the space he needs.” After all he’d given her, she’d pay him back with every cent she’d ever earned if it was what he needed.

For the first time, Copper cracked a smile at her. “I ain’t saying it’s what he needs. In fact, I think he needs someone to blow through his solitary nature.”

Chloe pondered that. Sounded like Copper was giving her his stamp of approval. Sure, she could keep Logan from disappearing into himself. But should she? She was already in so deep with him. When the threat was gone, and she returned to her home, life would be hard. She’d be hurt. There were no two ways around it. Feelings had developed for Logan. What those feelings were had yet to be fully fleshed out, but they were the kind that fucked with a girl’s head as well as her heart. And in Chloe’s case, her body.

Shell bounced on the balls of her feet. She looked two seconds away from squealing and clapping her hands. “He wouldn’t be bringing you to his secret castle house if he wanted space from you. Go get him girl!”

“Jesus Christ,” Copper said, running a hand down his face. “You women are fucking nuts.”

Now it was Chloe’s turn to laugh. Maybe the big bad MC president wasn’t so big or so bad after all. Okay, that was a lie, he still was the last person she wanted to cross, but he seemed to be okay with her, so she’d take it.

“Well,” she said taking two steps backward. “I better get going.”

Shell released Copper’s hand, rushed forward, and gave Chloe an exuberant hug. “You’re just what he needs,” she whispered then drew back. With her hands on Chloe’s shoulders, she said, “And I think he’s the same for you.”

He just might be. “Guess I’ll see you guys soon?”

“You bet, girl. I’m working at Toni’s diner the next few days. Stop in for breakfast if you two can come up for air.” With a wink, she stepped back until she bumped Copper’s chest. The prez just gave Chloe a nod as he wrapped his thick forearm around Shell.

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