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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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The light in his eyes dimmed, but he stepped back and waved her in. Biscuit bounded forward as though LJ’s invitation was the best thing that’d happened to him in months.

“Hey, boy,” LJ said, crouching down to the dog’s level. He gave her baby a scratch behind the ears then patted his massive head. The sight of the big dog being loved on by the even bigger man had Holly’s stomach fluttering.

She stepped into the apartment but didn’t walk farther than the foyer. Seemed safer to avoid getting comfortable. Just get in, cancel their plans, get out and home to her cold and empty bed.

The click of the closing door had LJ’s head lifting. His hot gaze landed on her once again. One corner of his mouth quirked. “Take a load off, buddy,” he said to Biscuit, who flopped down and rolled to his back right there in the middle of LJ’s hallway as though he owned the place. Of course, LJ obliged the beast and gave him a hearty belly rub.

“Traitor,” she muttered.

LJ rose and in three steps, had the fifteen feet of distance separating them closed. Holly sucked in a breath as the aroma of sawdust, soap, and something spicy…whisky, maybe, assaulted her. Whatever the scent, on him the combination nearly drove her into some sex-crazed trance. She took a step back.

Space, she needed space.

To think, to avoid touching all those muscles, to keep from throwing herself at him. Her back collided with the door. So much for the safety of the foyer.

LJ continued to advance until he had her pinned against the door, much as Rick had her crowded against the restaurant’s exterior not long ago. Only this time, her heart was racing, her chest heaving, and her freakin’ panties were damp as her body nearly begged for his attention.

He leaned down until his breath wafted across her ear. “How was your date?”


SHE TREMBLED. ACTUALLY fucking trembled as he spoke against her ear. The urge to capture that lobe between his teeth and give it a good tug before sliding his mouth down to the fluttering pulse point at the base of her neck almost tempted him beyond restraint.

“It was f-fine,” she said on a breathy exhale.

Fine. She came back alone before ten on a Friday night. Unless they’d had a quick fuck in her car—and he’d bet his entire life savings against that having happened—the date sucked.

“You let ol’ Dicky touch you?”

She’d closed her eyes at some point, but they popped open at his question. The pretty blue had deepened to near navy. “What? No!” She shook her head. “Wait. That is none of your business.” Her hands landed on his bare chest as though to shove him back, but the moment her skin touched his, electricity shot straight to his groin. There was no doubt in his mind Holly felt it too.

She gasped, and her eyes shot wide before she wrenched her hands back and fisted them at her sides.

Goddamn, they’d burn the fucking complex down if they ever got between the sheets.

“Look,” Holly said, seeming to gather strength with a strong inhale. “I came here to tell you I can’t go out with you tomorrow.” She wouldn’t make eye contact, focusing instead on something off to the side.

The surge of anger and resentment came on so fast, LJ was powerless to stop it from spewing from his mouth. “Aww, don’t want to piss off Daddy?” he said as he shoved away from the door.

Holly remained where he’d corralled her, plastered against his door wide-eyed and a little scared, if he wasn’t mistaken.

Good, she should be fucking scared, because despite her verbal rejection, LJ was certain if he shoved his hand up that sinful as fuck dress, he’d encounter all sorts of creamy goodness. And not a drop of it would be residual arousal from her date with Dicky.

“N-no,” she said even though they both knew it was a lie. “I just remembered I had something going on tomorrow night. That’s all.”

Another lie, this one so flimsy he could crush it with one hand.

“At least have the stones to tell me the truth, sugar,” LJ said with a harsh chuckle.

Still against his door, looking innocent despite the sexy dress, Holly swallowed. LJ pressed his tongue to the roof of his mouth to stifle the urge to lick her throat. “I just don’t think it’s a good idea. You know, for us to start…anything.”

Well, she was right on that account. Getting entangled with her was the worst fucking idea he’d had in years, but it was too goddamned late. His cock wanted inside her with a force he hadn’t felt in ages, and at some point, it would happen. Chemistry like theirs couldn’t be ignored.

Riots were started, battles were fought, and lives were lost all to slake lust not half as powerful as their connection.

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