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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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So instead of walking away, she turned her face, so her lips were inches from LJ’s. “Now you touch me,” she whispered.

LJ lifted his hand, circling it around her throat in a light hold that had her pulse speeding up and her panties dampening. “I won’t leave you hanging this time,” he whispered against her lips. “You’ll come so fucking hard they’ll hear you over the music downstairs. You want that?”

His grip on her throat increased just enough to let her feel his power. Power he’d promised to use to pleasure her, not harm her. Her entire body trembled with his little squeeze. The skimpy thong she’d worn to bolster her confidence was soaked straight through. Hell, her jeans even felt wet.

She was more turned on than she’d even been in her life.

Falling into bed with LJ might make her a reckless woman, but walking away from her first taste of true ecstasy would make her a fool for sure.

Decision made, she finally let her hands have what they’d been itching for. Pressing her palms flat to his chest, she absorbed the feeling of those rock-hard pecs. Damn, the man was powerfully built. His strength an affirmation of life. And for one night at least, Holly was all about living life to the fullest.

“Like your hands on me, sugar, but I need an answer.”

Holly gazed up into his smoldering eyes. “I promise you’re not an act of rebellion. And I’ll never betray your trust,” she whispered. “I just really want you to make me come.”

With that, she grabbed the back of his head and pulled him in.


SHIT, LJ JUST found the third thing to soothe his soul and chase away his demons. Holly’s fucking delicious mouth. That dark, sweet cavern was more potent than the alcohol and far more pleasurable than any fucking mental exercise his shrink doled out.

Getting tangled with the sheriff’s daughter had to be the worst fucking idea he’d ever had, but it no longer seemed to matter. The choice had been made. Might as well reap the benefits before the piper came ’round to collect.

“Fuck, you’re so goddamned sweet,” he said before ravaging her mouth.

Holly moaned and rubbed against him like a cat in fucking heat.

He could have spent hours feasting on her mouth, but those tits had been torturing him for the past few weeks. It was high time for a taste. Without breaking the kiss, he worked the fitted tank top up until it rested over her tits. His hands immediately went to them, encountering the soft scratch of very thin lace. Shit, no wonder her hard nipples were visible through the tank. This thing barely offered an ounce of coverage.

After a few moments of fondling her tits, testing their weight, plucking her nipples and fucking loving the desperate whimpers she made against his mouth, he pulled the lace cups down. Ending the kiss felt like it might kill him, but knowing what was in store for his mouth made it well worth the sacrifice.

LJ ripped away from her lips and stared at her tits, panting hard. “Fuck,” he whispered before bending his head and lifting one handful to his mouth. He didn’t tease, didn’t ease her into it, just latched on to her tight nipple with a fierce suction.

Holly let out a strangled sound as her hands landed on his head. But she didn’t push him away or balk at the rough treatment. No, her nails scored his scalp, and she held tight as though she’d die if he stopped sucking her.

He kept at her with harsh pulls of his mouth and intermittent swipes of his tongue. As she’d done earlier in the evening, she widened her stance and tried to grind against his thigh. LJ would have chuckled if he wasn’t so lost in desire. His girl needed some relief, now. Too bad for her, he was going to make her wait for it.

“LJ,” she said on a gasp as he finally released her nipple. The heat of her pussy seared his thigh, straight through his jeans. God, she’d be blistering once he finally got inside. Kissing his way across to her other breast, he spoke against her silky skin. “Hope you don’t think this is a one-shot deal, sugar. No way in fucking hell am I going to be satisfied with just one taste of these gorgeous tits. I’m too on edge to give them the proper attention tonight, but next time. Next time, I’ll do right by them.”

“Jesus,” she whispered as a shudder ran through her. “You’re going to kill me.”

He gave the neglected tit a quick, hard suck and her nails scratched his scalp. Hissing as the bite of pain spiked through his bloodstream, he took a step back.

Mussed hair, swollen lips, and glazed eyes stared up at him. Framed by her bunched tank on top and her bra below, those gorgeous tits hung wet from his mouth with nipples a deep red from the attention.

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