Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 48

How would this ever work? She’d been delusional to think she could sustain any kind of relationship with LJ, purely physical or otherwise. This had disaster written all over it in big block letters made by a permanent Sharpie.

“Hmm,” Jazz said as she tapped her chin with a black painted nail. “That’s interesting. I can tell you this, that man wants you. It was clear in the way he stalked you with his hungry eyes all night long, so don’t go thinking that’s the problem.”

“So, what? I’d get it if he wanted a mash and dash, but the guy didn’t even get so much as a hand in his pants. And I was more than willing. I’d even go so far as to say I was eager to pick up where we left off.”

Both women broke out into fits of giggles. Jazz laughed so hard her wine sloshed to the top of her glass. “Oh, shit,” she said as she set it down. “First this one says ‘gashes before staches.’” She jerked her thumb in Toni’s direction. “And now, did you just say mash and dash?”

“Oh, yeah, I guess so. Saw it in a Facebook post.” She waved it away. “We’re getting off topic. The moral of this story is that LJ and I aren’t a thing. I was rejected, big time.” She lifted her glass to her lips only to remain dry-mouthed. Ugh, why was her wine glass empty already?

“I don’t know about that. He’s pretty hush-hush about his…let’s call them rendezvous,” Toni said.

Jazz nodded and grabbed her glass again. “He is. Never really hooks up with anyone around the clubhouse that I’ve seen. Only that one girl who started spreading rumors about the size of his dick.” She wagged her eyebrows. “All good things, I promise. Maybe he just doesn’t like to get busy in the clubhouse.”

Holly frowned. They had a perfectly good apartment—two of them—just a short ride away. And he had no problem going down on her in his room at the clubhouse. “Maybe.” She flopped back onto the couch. “Let’s talk about something besides my pathetic love life, please.”

The sound of a door opening was followed quickly by Zach’s, “Hey, sexy lady! Good news is your man’s home. Bad news is I had some stray dogs follow me from the gym.”

“Fuck you, man,” came the laughing reply.

Jazz snapped straight in her seat as her face blanched.

Holly leaned her forearms on her knees. “You okay?”

“What? Oh yeah, I’m fine. It’s nothing. Just—”

“Well hot damn. Hit the fucking jackpot tonight. Brownies and my girl.” Screw strode into the room. He wasn’t nearly as big as LJ, and probably an inch shorter than Zach, but the man’s confident swagger made him the biggest man in the room.

“Screw,” Jazz finished.

Screw grabbed a brownie and took a bite, moaning while he walked straight for Jazz. All three men wore jeans and their Handler’s cuts, but LJ and Zach had T-shirts under theirs where Screw had what appeared to be a white wife-beater. The man was jacked and didn’t seem shy about letting everyone know it.

Holly’s eyebrows rose. “Did he call you his girl?” she mouthed to Jazz who rolled her eyes and shook her head.

“Don’t ask,” was mouthed back to her.

“Damn, I missed you today, baby,” Zach said right before he pulled Toni to her feet and into a scorching kiss complete with ass fondling.

Rather than gawk like some kind of creeper, Holly looked away and right into the eyes of LJ.

Why the hell did he have to look so damn delicious? The freaking T-shirt he wore seemed seconds away from splitting in two from the strain of keeping his bulging muscles covered. With a bandana around his head, his beard recently trimmed, and a freshly showered smell, Holly was in danger of spontaneously combusting.

“Oh, uh, hey,” she said, rubbing her suddenly damp palms on her sweatpants.

Damn, her sex was so slick she could give lessons to lube.

He walked straight to her and slipped his arms under hers. One quick yank and she was flush against his body. “Hey, sugar,” he said. “Gonna give me a taste of all that sweetness?”

Huh? He wanted to kiss her? Hello, mixed signals flying in from every angle. He must have seen the confusion on her face because he said, “We’ll talk later,” then gave her a quick but dizzying kiss.

Okay, so we’re talking later.

After he fried her circuits with his lips, LJ sat on the couch and pulled her onto his lap. For a moment, she remained stiff, then decided, fuck it. She had a hot man wanting to kiss her, touch her, and hang out with her. This was something to enjoy, not overanalyze. Obsessing could come later.

On the opposite end of the couch, Zach and Toni sat much as she and LJ did with Toni on Zach’s lap except he kept trying to sneak his hands under his woman’s shirt only to have them slapped away by a giggling Toni.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024