Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 85

“Um, that kinda brings me to something else I wanted to ask you.”

It was then Holly realized Cynthia had torn her napkin into a crumbly pile of shreds on the table. Was she that nervous? The thought had Holly’s heart going out to her mom. Her goal here wasn’t to make her mother uneasy or anxious, just gently assert some long-overdue independence. “Sure, Mom, what is it?”

“I got these tickets to see that country singer you like. Carrie Underwood.”

Holly’s mouth dropped open. “Seriously?”

For the first time since the conversation began, Cynthia smiled. “Yeah, it’s in Knoxville in about a month.” She wrung her hands, and now it was Holly’s turn to reach across the table and comfort her mother. “I was hoping you’d come with me. A little mother-daughter thing. We can make a night of it and have breakfast with your brother while we’re there.”

“That sounds really nice, Mom. I’d love to.” And she meant it. Severing ties with her family wouldn’t bring her any contentment. Mending fences and moving forward with a healthier sense of boundaries would. Maybe this was the start of a new mother-daughter relationship where they could spend time together, enjoy each other’s company and share their lives without the burden of guilt, and without Holly needing to tell her parents where she was at all times.

Cynthia beamed and clapped her hands together once. Interlacing her fingers, she pressed her joined hands to her chest. “Oh, Holly, I’m thrilled. We’ll have so much fun.” She pulled out her phone. “Let me text you the date, so you won’t forget it.”

“Good idea, with how busy this morning has been my brain will be fried by the time I get out of here.” Fifteen minutes had flown by in an instant. Time to get back behind the counter.

“Maybe while we’re there we can do some shopping or go to a day spa,” she said without taking her attention off her phone.

A few seconds later, Holly’s phone chimed.

With a squeal of delight, Cynthia stowed her cell in her oversize handbag. “This will be great Holly. I bet getting away for a day or two will give you a chance to get some perspective. With a clear mind and some space, you might see things in a different light.”

Whomp, whomp, whomp. Holly’s heart sank. So much for a new and healthier relationship.

With that little bomb, her mom stood, kissed Holly on the cheek, and practically floated out of the diner.

Left frowning, alone and hurt in the booth, Holly couldn’t shake the feeling she’d been played.

Big time.


THREE WEEKS FROM the day the diner began selling Holly’s products, LJ found himself enjoying life more than he had in years.

And there was only one reason for it.


He’d spent every spare waking hour with her in some form or another. They had dinner together nearly every night. He hit the diner on the way to work both for some sugar from Holly and some sugar from her oven. She’d swing by his job sites for lunch whenever her schedule allowed. They watched movies, rode his bike through the mountains, hung out at the clubhouse, and went on dates with the other couples in the MC.

And they fucked. As often and in as many ways as possible.

LJ had smiled more in the past month than he had in fucking years. And his brothers loved fucking busting his balls over it. Maybe if he didn’t have the sexiest woman on earth burning up the sheets with him, he’d take offense to their constant ribbing, but fuck it. He was happy, his dick was happy, and Holly was fucking happy as well. Only two things kept their relationship from absolute perfection.

Holly’s father and LJ’s refusal to fall asleep in her presence. Each night, after exhausting each other for hours with brain-melting sex, they retired to their own beds. Not once had Holly breathed a word about it. No complaints, no whining about being rejected, no questions. But it had to be killing her. What woman would accept an arrangement like that long-term?

None he’d ever met.

Though he had an idea Holly suspected something, she still deserved to know why he left her each night. He was just too much of a pussy to admit his reasoning.

And Holly’s father… Not much improvement on that front. She’d spoken with him a handful of times, but he hadn’t come around. Nor had he halted his attack on the MC. Which brought them to Copper and Shell’s new backyard for a cookout LJ assumed he was only invited to because of his connection to Holly. And while he trusted his president, he had no idea why the man requested his and Holly’s presence at a barbecue-slash-meeting of the executive board.

“Damn, brother, your woman can fuckin’ bake.” Maverick said as he sat his ass in an Adirondack chair next to LJ’s while rubbing his flat stomach. A fire crackled about ten feet away. Everyone who’d been invited sat around the fire, drinking beer and polishing off the Baileys cheesecake Holly had brought along.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024