Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 87

“Oh, this story just gets classier and classier,” Izzy said.

“He’s a stripper?” Holly whispered.

LJ chuckled against her ear. “Yup.”

She cocked her head. “Huh. Yeah, I guess I can see it. I bet that boy can move.”

“Hey!” LJ tickled her side. “Don’t you picture him in anything other than a fucking snowsuit.”

“But no money changed hands for the act?” Zach asked.

“Nope.” Thunder shrugged. “I’ve done it a handful of times. If a woman wants to pay me to fuck her, why the hell would I turn that down? Ya know?”

“You want a list of reasons?” Izzy asked.

Holly barked out a laugh then covered her mouth. “Sorry,” she said behind her hand. “That was funny.”

“Damn straight it was, sister.” Izzy held her hand out for a high-five which Holly gladly gave. LJ stroked a hand up and down her back as she leaned far forward to reach Izzy. Pretty damn nice having a woman there with him. Of course, that nice feeling was about to be shot to shit.

“Anyway, I’m pretty sure it was some kind of set-up, because the cops came in hot and heavy like they fucking knew I’d be out there. Dragged me to the sheriff’s office. I got handcuffs, fingerprints, the works. Took their sweet fucking time sorting it all out too. Had me in lock-up about fifteen hours. That shit sucks, man.”

With a groan, Holly said, “Thunder, I’m—”

“Don’t,” Copper said in a tone so harsh, Holly jumped. Of course, she was gonna take this on herself, which was exactly why she shouldn’t be there. LJ wanted to place his hands over her ears to keep her from hearing any of this shit.

Mouth agape, Holly stared at Copper.

“Look,” he said. “It’s no secret that your old man has it out for my club. Now, I wanna be fully above board with you because I can see how good you are for my brother.” He glanced at LJ then focused back on Holly. “You deserve to hear what’s going on from us instead of from some gossip.”

Shame twisted LJ’s insides. Maybe he should have put a little more faith in Copper.

“T-thank you,” Holly said. Her rubbing his arm turned to gripping him with surprising strength.

“Also gotta tell you, I approached LJ to find out if he was willing to work you for information from your father a few weeks ago when you two first started up.”

“Oh, Copper,” Shell said with a groan as she smacked him on the chest. “Seriously?”

Holly stiffened so fast, she nearly jerked out of LJ’s hold.

Christ, Copper was lucky LJ trusted him as much as he did. Because were he anyone else, LJ would have already pounded him into the ground.

“Don’t get your panties in a wad, you two,” Copper said, holding up his hands. “Holly, he flat out told me no. Didn’t even give it a second of thought. Just want to put that out there because we are going to have to do something about this bullshit investigation. We’ve tried enduring it until it passed, but the fake claims and harassment have only escalated. Your pops is fucking up our businesses, and that needs to stop. But I want you to know, Holly, we won’t use you against your pops or vice versa. None of us are above getting down and dirty to fight our battles, but we don’t fuck with family. LJ is family and so are you by extension.”

Holly hadn’t relaxed her tense posture. Pride surged in LJ as she straightened her shoulders and looked Copper right in the eye. The six-foot-five, redheaded, bushy-bearded outlaw intimidated even the toughest of men. Something the MC counted on plenty of times to assert their position.

“Thank you,” she said. “For being honest with me. I just have one question, and I hope you’ll continue being honest with me.”

Beneath the beard, Copper’s lips quirked.

The man liked Holly. A lot. Not a requirement for LJ, but a definite bonus. Having his club’s approval, especially the leader of that club, went a long way.

“Fair enough,” Copper said. “Fire away, whisk.”

All eyes fell to Holly who stood her fucking ground and didn’t back down. Damn, she was something. “Are you planning to hurt him? My father.”

As he inhaled a slow breath, Copper stroked his beard. The attention that had been on Holly shifted to him.

“Of course not,” Shell said with a frown. Then she elbowed Copper. “Right, Copper?”

“You asked me not to lie, so here it is straight. No, I’m not going to hurt him and I’m not going to authorize anyone in my club to hurt him. Physically or otherwise. Now, were you not in the picture, we would definitely turn up the heat and try to make his life…uncomfortable. But you’re here, and you mean something to LJ. And I’d be lying if I said I didn’t fucking like you myself. You make a mean cheesecake. We are going to work through the club’s lawyers to get the sheriff’s office to back the fuck off.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024