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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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As promised, Jazz rolled up in two minutes and fifty-two seconds. Before the car had stopped, Holly had ripped the door open and hopped in. “Clubhouse, Jazz, ten minutes ago.”

“Okay, hold on to your seat.” She hit the gas so hard, Holly flew back into the seat, but it was exactly what they needed to get to the clubhouse in time.

“Girl, you’re so tense, you look like you’re gonna shatter if we hit a bump. Tell me what’s going on?”

“M-my father, Schwartz, and Higgins are framing the club. They had someone plant drugs there last night. A lot of drugs. They’ll be at the clubhouse to search in less than twenty minutes.”

“Fuck.” The car sped up.

The drive to the clubhouse took ten minutes, and that was with Jazz flying twenty over the speed limit the entire ride. “What if he won’t speak to me?” Holly asked as Jazz pulled up to the gate.

She snorted. “He’ll speak to you, trust me. He’ll probably jump you the second you walk through the door. They’re in church, by the way,” Jazz said as the prospect guarding the gate waved her by.

“Oh great, so I get to bust in on all of them at once?”

“Least you only have to say it all one time.”

“Small silver lining, I guess.” She gnawed on her lip. The poor thing was going to need stitches at this point.

Jazz didn’t bother pulling into a parking spot. She screeched the car to a stop as close as possible to the entrance. Both women ignored the gate prospect yelling at Jazz’s driving. “Good luck, girl. I’ll deal with the prospect and be right in.”

“You’re the best, Jazz.” After a quick hug, Holly was out the door and rushing into the clubhouse. Too bad she hadn’t had time to prepare what exactly she was going to say to the room full of intimidating men.

As she charged through the quiet bar area toward the chapel doors, Thunder yelled out, “Holly! They’re in church! You can’t go—”

“It’s a fucking emergency,” she screamed over her shoulder.

“Shit.” Thunder’s boots pounded after her, but she didn’t stop.

She couldn’t stop.

Not when she was under the gun to save the man she loved and his entire family.


LJ SCOWLED AT the clock on the wall for the tenth time since church began, fifteen minutes ago. Never had he wanted to escape his brothers like he did at that moment. Now that he’d finally spoken to Jazz and heard how devastated Holly had been after he pulled a disappearing act last week, he wanted nothing more than to go claim his woman. A few times, he’d almost shot her a text, but winning her back needed to be done in person.

“All right let’s pipe the fuck down for a few minutes. Got some serious shit to go over with you.” As he spoke, Copper glanced at LJ one too many times for his liking.

Shit. He’d put money on this having something to do with Holly’s father.

“We got trouble?” Jigsaw asked.

Copper stroked his beard. “Not sure yet. Could be. Wanted to run my info by you guys and get your take.” He flicked another look at LJ.

What the fuck?

“I’ve been looking into the death of Holly’s sister.”

LJ’s spine straightened. “What the fuck?”

Holding up his hand, Copper said, “Hear me out, brother.”

“All right.” LJ stood down but didn’t fucking relax. Copper didn’t do shit willy nilly. If he thought this was necessary, there had to be a good reason for it.

“Guy serving time for the death of Joy Lane was a president of a one-percenter club down near Tampa. Goes by the handle Curly. Their club was into shit we ain’t, but not fucking murdering little girls. Club’s gone now. Lane tore it to fucking pieces after his daughter was killed. Anyway, Curly has maintained his innocence through the investigation, trial, and still, after twelve years of incarceration, swears he was set up.” Another look in LJ’s direction.

“Spit it out already, Cop,” LJ said.

“I was able to speak with him at the prison. Says Sheriff Lane spent his career trying to take out the MC. After one too many failed attempts, this guy swears Lane framed him. Says he’d stake the life of any one of his men on it. Doesn’t know how, but he’s one hundred percent confident Lane is the man responsible for his arrest. Swears to fuck and back he didn’t kill the girl.”

“Oh fuck,” LJ whispered.

“Fuck,” Mav echoed. “Shit, Cop, this is a goddamn fucking mess. You believe him?”

This time, Copper locked gazes with LJ. “Don’t know the guy for shit, but my gut tells me he’s innocent. Whether the sheriff was the one who framed him, I can’t be sure, but it’s not ringing as out of the realm of possibility, is it?”

This was going to destroy Holly. Absolutely shatter what remained of her heart.

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