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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

Page 121

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The door flew open.

Bang, bang, bang.

The successive ear-ringing bursts were accompanied by blinding flashes of light and a cloud of smoke.

Holly screamed.

LJ tackled her to the ground, using his big body to keep her covered. All around him, men cursed and hit the ground as cops shouted for everyone to drop to their knees.

As he lay over Holly, the buzzin in LJ’s ears grew to deafening. His fingertips began to tingle and the crushing band wrapped its way around his chest.

No, no, fucking no.

Not now.

Next came the shakes and a gasping breath that only meant one thing. Full-on panic was rushing in.

Just as his mind began to slip into that dark place, soft hands landed on his face. “Baby, you’re okay. I’m okay. It was just a few flashbangs. Don’t go anywhere. Stay with me. My father is here, and we gotta help your brothers, okay? I need you to concentrate on my voice and stay with me here, in the clubhouse. You’re not in the Middle East. You’re safe. Shit kinda sucks here now, but we got your whole family here with us.”

As she spoke and caressed his cheeks, LJ’s mind began to clear. Within seconds, the tingling disappeared, he was able to draw in a breath, and the noise in his head dulled to an annoying buzz. “I’m good, sugar,” he whispered. “Not going anywhere unless you’re right by my side.”

“Line up! On your fucking knees. Hands behind your back,” one of the officers yelled.

LJ pushed off Holly then extended a hand to her. After hauling her up, he spoke close to her ear. “Do what they say. Don’t panic. No one will fucking touch you with all of us here. Okay?”

Saucer-eyed, Holly nodded. “O-okay.”

“Just do what I do.” He dropped to his knees next to Screw and interlaced his hands behind his back. After watching, Holly did the same. Her startled gasp had him glancing in the direction she stared.

Fucking Higgins was dragging Jazz out of the kitchen with about ten times the necessary force.

“Get your motherfucking dirty pig hands off her,” Screw snarled as he began to get up.

Someone shoved him back to his knees with a, “Stay the fuck down, asshole.” He was cuffed a second later.

Near purple-faced, Screw’s nostrils flared, and his breath left in audible bursts as he fought the urge to buck the officer’s orders.

“I’m okay, Screw,” Jazz said in a low voice as she was pushed to her knees as well.

One of the officers went down the line, applying flexi cuffs to each and every man, or woman in the room. LJ could practically feel the fear wafting off Holly. “You holding up, sugar?” he asked low enough none of the cops heard.

“Yes. I’m good.” Clearly a lie, but he admired her fucking guts.

“That’s my girl.”

Her lips twitched.

Of course, her father chose that moment to stroll in the room like the big swinging dick. “Listen up,” he said. “Know all you shitheads think you’re infallible, but we’ve finally got the proof we need to put you—” His gaze landed on Holly and his steps faltered. But then he rallied, clearing his throat. “To put many of you animals behind bars.”

With a grin, he held up a folded piece of paper then walked it over to Copper. The fucker made a production of unfolding it and holding it in front of Copper’s face as if to rub in the fact his hands were restrained. Sure seemed to love handing over warrants.

“I can’t believe this is real,” Holly whispered.

“Hang in, sugar. You’re doin’ great.” Witnessing Holly’s disbelief and despair cut LJ deep. The need to shield her, protect her from all this soul-crushing drama flared strong, but there he was, handcuffed like a chump.


The worst place for him to be.

Yet, he didn’t have that suffocating sensation. He owed the thanks for that to the woman at his side. The amazing woman suffering because her father turned out to be a monster.

“Got a warrant to search this shithole,” Lane said.

“Oh, come on,” Holly muttered. “No matter what he thinks about the club, even he can’t think this place is a shithole. It’s fucking awesome.”

Jesus, LJ couldn’t help it, he barked out a harsh laugh.

“Something funny over there?” the sheriff asked

“Yeah,” LJ said. “Your daughter, who you don’t seem to give a shit about as she’s handcuffed on her knees over here, she thinks our clubhouse is fucking awesome.”

Snickers rose up from all of his brothers as well as looks of respect shot in Holly’s direction. The sheriff’s jaw ticked, and he appeared seconds away from cracking a filling.

“You’re crazy,” Holly whispered.

“Crazy about you.”

“Cheesy too.” Her giggle was near silent.

“Dispatch received a call from a woman who was here last night. She called in, distressed because she discovered an alarming quantity of drugs in the clubhouse. Poor girl came to have some fun and had no idea what she was walking into.”

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