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Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6)

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After snagging her cell off the counter, Holly scrolled through the contacts until she found Stephanie’s name. Her friend answered on the third ring.

“Hey, Holly! What’s up?” Steph’s bright voice greeted.

“This is all your fault. It’s all your fault, and now I’m freaking out. Because of you.” Oh, God, she sounded like a lunatic, which she probably looked like as well.

“What’s my fault? Are you okay?” Steph’s tone took on a level of worry.

“No, I’m not okay. I’m sitting on a barstool in my kitchen, naked, with frickin’ frosting on my tits! What the hell was I thinking?”

The squeal that came through the line had Holly yanking the phone away from her ear. “Holy shit!” Stephanie yelled. “You did it? Maverick, come here! Holly did it! The frosting sex thing!”

“Shhh! Don’t tell him!” Why would she tell Maverick? “Whatever happened to girl code?”

“Hey,” Steph said, humor lacing her voice, “you’re the one who said it was Mav who inspired you.”

“Uhh, no I believe I said it was his stupid-ass idea that I’m now regretting. I’m gonna wipe this off and go get dressed. Thank you! Bye!”

“No, no, no! Wait! Don’t do that.” There was some muffled back and forth, then Mav’s voice came through the phone.

“Hol? We got you on speaker. Don’t you dare clean up!”

If the apocalypse could occur in the next five minutes, Holly would be indebted to the universe.

“What are the chances you’d be willing to shoot a selfie and send it my way?”

“Maverick,” Stephanie said right before she giggled hysterically. The traitor.

“What’s the chance you can survive twenty-four hours without your balls?” Holly fired back.

Mav fell silent.

“There you go. Chances are about the same. I need to go shower now.”

“No!” They both yelled at the same time.

“Look, woman,” Mav said. “LJ is gonna lose his fucking mind in the best way. I can promise you that with one hundred percent certainty. The man is gonna walk in, take one look at you and fucking pounce. So stop fucking overthinking. You’re a goddess, and your man knows it. Put on your confidence panties and own your sexy shit!”

“What the hell are confidence panties?” Steph asked, muffled in the background.

“Well, shit, Maverick. Who knew you could be such an awesome motivational speaker?” All of a sudden, Holly felt foolish for feeling foolish. Mav was right. Never once had LJ given her any indication he found her body anything less than incredible. He was gonna love this.

“Uhh, I did.” Mav said, and the sound of a smack filled Holly’s ear.

“Ow! Shit, woman, you’re gonna pay for that,” Mav said, and the words were followed by more of Stephanie’s giggles. This time with a husky quality to them.

Holly’s cue to hang up. “Thanks, guys! Have a fun night.”

“We will now that you got Mav all revved up,” Steph said, but it quickly turned into a moan. “Knock ’em dead, girl!”

Gross. “Make good choices!” Holly yelled, and the last thing she heard before the line went dead was Maverick’s bark of laughter.

All right. She could do this. She was sexy. She was confident. With a glance down at the vanilla frosting coating her nipples, Holly rolled her eyes.

She was ridiculous.

A quick swipe of the frosting followed by a taste had her lips quirking.

At least she tasted delicious.

And that’s when the giggles started which abruptly stopped when LJ’s key jangled in her lock. They’d maintained their individual apartments but exchanged keys months ago. Though they still hadn’t spent a full night together, they spent almost every waking moment they weren’t working in each other presence.

“Hol?” LJ yelled as he entered the apartment.

Biscuit let out a low woof then loafed off to greet his favorite person.

“Hey, bud,” LJ said. “Where’s your pretty mama?”

The description had Holly smiling as she took one last peek at herself. Fluffy white frosting topped each breast, and she’d even created a little triangle of frosting in her bikini area. She leaned one arm on the counter, spread her legs slightly, and tried for a smoldering expression.

“Sugar?” LJ called out. The clicking of Biscuit’s nails signaled the duo’s arrival in the kitchen seconds before they appeared in the doorway to the kitchen. “Holy fucking shit,” he said as he came to a dead stop.

Holly smiled. The moment she saw the appreciation in his gaze, all nerves evaporated, and desire shot through the roof. “Hey,” she said in a breathy voice she barely recognized. “Thought we might have dessert first tonight.”

“You’re a fucking genius,” LJ said as he stripped off his shirt right there in the doorway. Next, he went to work on his boots. Last to go were the jeans. He straightened in all his super tall muscley glory. Damn, her man was a feast for the eyes.

“Going commando today?”

He winked. “Musta known I’d need quick access.”

Holly threw back her head and laughed. LJ shot across the room in a second, his mouth kissing a trail up her exposed throat. “How the fuck did I get so lucky?” he whispered against her ear.

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