Little Jack (Hell's Handlers MC 6) - Page 127

“You liked my baking,” she said.

“Can I have my dessert now?”

“You can have whatever you want,” she responded.

“Fuck yes.” Then without any further words, LJ’s mouth surrounded one of Holly’s nipples, mouthful of frosting and all.

Her head dropped back, and she moaned as he sucked, then licked her entire breast clean. “Delicious,” he whispered, making her smile. He moved to the other breast, taking his time now, to savor both the frosting and her skin. He slowly licked and nipped in circles until all that remained was a dollop of sticky sweetness on the tip of her nipple. Then he sucked it deep into his mouth.

Holly panted as bolts of lightning shot from her breast to her clit. This had been the best idea ever. Mav would be getting one hell of a Christmas present from her.

“Just when I thought you couldn’t get any fucking sweeter,” he said before pressing a kiss to her lips. “Now…” He dropped to his knees between her thighs. “For the rest of my treat.” He grabbed her ass, pulling her so close to the edge of the barstool, she nearly fell off.

Holly yelped right before he licked through her pussy then over her mound, capturing more of the frosting.

“Fuck, that’s good,” he said. “Get comfy, baby, I’m gonna be here a while.”

His tongue hit her clit, and her breath caught as her eyes fell closed. Okay, she owed Stephanie and Maverick a big tub of frosting. Clearly, the couple was onto something great here.

LJ LAY IN Holly’s bed with his arms tight around her, his lips licking a path up her neck. After enjoying the best treat he’d ever eaten an hour ago, he’d bent Holly over the counter, spread some frosting over her ass and enjoyed himself a second helping. She’d returned the favor with a frosting-assisted blow job he’d never fucking forget.

They’d showered and decided to skip dinner, full from their sugar fest. With a sigh, Holly snuggled her back against him. If she kept fucking wiggling like that he’d be rock hard again in no time. But before he got carried away for the second time that night, he had something to tell her.

“Got a surprise for you, sugar.”

Holly turned in his arms. “Oh, what is it?”

“Colin called me today,” he said, referring to the lawyer who’d taken Curly’s case pro bono. Hell, once it came out the man was innocent, attorneys were flying out of the woodwork for a crack at the case. It’d been tricky, releasing the information of Curly’s innocence while keeping Holly’s father out of jail, but Copper managed to pull it off. With some clever maneuvering, new evidence came to light in the case, namely the identity of the actual killer who’d killed himself in jail. The information made Holly’s father and the force he’d been on look like bumbling idiots, but not criminals.

“The judge ruled today. As of three this afternoon Curly is a free man.”

“Oh my God,” Holly breathed. “It worked! He’s out?”

“He’s out.”

“What’s he gonna do?”

With a shrug, LJ said. “Not sure. I know Copper offered him a place in our club. He’d have to get used to a different kind of club life, but it could work.”

“I think that’s a great idea.” Her smile took up her entire beautiful face. “I’ve been so nervous something would fall through, and he’d be forced to stay behind bars.”

“It all worked out, baby. Thanks to you.”

Holly snorted. “Thanks to Copper. He’s the magician here.”

After pressing a kiss to her forehead, LJ turned Holly back around and pulled her tight against him. “Just keep telling yourself that, Houdini.”

She giggled then sighed, practically melting into him. LJ kissed her shoulder, cupped her breast, and let his eyes drift closed. The sugary scent of vanilla that meant Holly was nearby surrounded him as he began to slide into sleep.

It’d been a great fucking day all around. An hour before he’d heard the good news about Curly, Copper had called LJ into his office.

It was done. Schwartz and Higgins were both dead. The club had waited a while to go after them. Both men had left the sheriff’s department and Townsend as ordered, but the club kept close tabs on them, as well as Holly’s father. Her parents were now living in the Midwest. According to some digging Mav had done, Holly’s father now worked as a mall security guard. Once Copper was confident no heat would land on the club, he’d ordered the two deputies’ punishment. LJ had wanted to carry it out himself, but let Copper handle it his way. He wasn’t certain, but he had an idea Rocket was the man to take them both out since he’d traveled a few times over the past month. Regardless, the fuckers were gone, Curly was free, and Holly was in his arms where he planned to keep her for the rest of his life.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024