Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 23

With a huff of laughter, she lifted the glass in toast. “Told you you’d have hated it. Guess we should have added modesty to that long list of attributes.”

She fell silent and let her eyes close as she intermittently sipped the drink. If she kept her eyes shut and concentrated hard enough, she swore she could feel Viper’s presence in the room with her. Wishful thinking, probably but it provided some measure of comfort.

“Been thinking a lot about how we met,” she said as she let her head flop back against the cushions. “I’ve always loved hearing the story from your point of view. So much happened in such a short time. Those were some crazy days.

“To this day, I still can’t believe I just came straight out and asked you to sleep with me.” She giggled, the whiskey relaxing her limbs and lulling her into a state of sleepy peace. “You tried to resist me, remember? Of course you remember. You told me so many times how I shot your good intentions to hell. Pretty sure there isn’t a woman in the world who wouldn’t love hearing how irresistible their man found them.”

A smile curled her lips. She set the empty tumbler on the coffee table before lying down on the couch. “Just for a few minutes,” she said. “Tell me again. One last time. Tell me how I made you break your promise to yourself. The one to keep your hands off me.”

With a yawn, she snuggled into the soft couch as she slid closer and closer to sleep.

Whether he told it, or she remembered her version, she just loved this part of their story so much…


1982 - OREGON

“Ready?” Viper hollered over the rumble of his idling bike.

He rolled his shoulders to no avail. The damn things had hardened like rocks and his neck ached like a motherfucker. Nothing but distance would lessen the intense stress building since yesterday. They needed to get as far away from his club as fast as possible. Then he could finally take a fucking breath.

Cassie’s nervous laugh had him smiling despite what was about to happen. She’d never been on a bike and it showed.

“To get out of here? Hell, yes, I’m ready,” she called back. “To ride on a motorcycle?” Her body shifted as she shrugged behind him, dragging her tits along his back.

There was that uneasy giggle again. Damned adorable sound. “I’m not so sure.”

“You’re ready, Cassie. Just hang on.” Ready or not, they were fucking going.

Her death grip around his waist hugged even tighter. Viper couldn’t help but chuckle. The woman had guts. She was practically trembling behind him but hadn’t voiced a peep of protest or a single complaint. He respected the hell outta her for doing what had to be done despite fear, and without bitching. It was an admirable quality not everyone possessed.

“Oh, my God.” She gasped as she released him to point toward the house. “Viper, look, it’s on fire!”

“I know, baby, that’s our cue to leave. We’re out in the middle of nowhere, but it’s still risky to linger. Just wanted to stick around long enough to make sure Sarge lit the place up. Time to roll.” He hit the throttle and peeled out, spraying dirt in an arc behind him.

He’d warned her they wouldn’t be making any stops on the three-hour trip to Beaverton, Oregon. Long ride for someone whose ass hadn’t so much as sat on a motorcycle, but as he’d expected, she handled it like a fucking champ. In fact, she was so quiet and still, at one point he worried she’d fallen asleep, but when he placed a hand on her thigh and gave it an affectionate squeeze, she threaded her fingers through his and squeezed back. Guess she’d gotten more comfortable riding as time wore on.

A little past midnight, they pulled into the sparsely populated parking lot of what could only be described as a no-tell motel. According to one of the sweet butts who used to work out of this motel, this place preferred cash, was known for being discreet, and was notoriously unfriendly toward local police. Three things they needed, depending on who came sniffing after them.

By now, his club would be well aware their shack had burned up. Viper figured his pops was losing his mind trying to determine if Viper had died, been taken prisoner, or went AWOL. A pang he could no longer ignore hit his heart, and he pressed a hand to the left side of his chest. Not only was he leaving his life behind, but he could never return. Not unless he developed a death wish. This decision was life-changing and permanent.

“You okay?” Cassie’s sleepy voice asked in his ear as though she’d noticed a change in him.

“Yeah, babe. I’m good.” He patted her thigh. “You must be beat.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024