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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

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“I could be persuaded to sleep,” she said, humor in her drowsy voice.

And just like that, his mood lifted. He liked this woman. Genuinely liked what he’d learned of her and had seen from her so far. Maybe he could convince her to join him and Sarge on their cross-country adventure. She’d said she had nowhere to go. Though he’d be wise to revisit that with her. Supposedly, she came from money. Last thing they needed was her rich mommy and daddy stamping her face on milk cartons all across the country.

He climbed off the bike, then turned to help her down as well. Drawing her into his arms, he smiled at her sleepy face. “Then let’s get you into a bed.”

Immediately, a blush pinked her cheeks, and she stared at his chest instead of his face. He’d meant the bed comment strictly in reference to sleep, but, huh, look at that, the little virgin had a dirty mind. He groaned as she burrowed into his embrace. A dirty mind and a body that fit perfectly in his arms. Like he’d been custom built to absorb her softness.

His dick hardened against her stomach, something she couldn’t possibly miss. Instead of flinching away or acting like he was a lecherous jerk, she sighed and snuggled closer. She must be pretty fucking exhausted not to realize he was seconds away from dry humping her outside a shit motel. “Babe, enough of that or you’re gonna be getting an education you didn’t bargain for, right in this damn parking lot.”

Her eyes were wide and full of disbelief as she took a tentative step back.

He chuckled. “Thought so. Here, put your hood up.” Even though he gave her the instruction, he tucked her long auburn hair into the hood of the borrowed sweatshirt himself. He shouldn’t have, but he couldn’t resist brushing his fingertips along the baby-soft skin of her neck. A subtle tremor ran through her at the contact. Damn, she may be inexperienced, but her body responded as though it knew exactly what it wanted.

Turning away before he got a glimpse of those tired yet curious eyes, he grabbed a crumpled ball cap out of his saddlebag, and shoved it on his head, pulling the brim low. Best they had as far as disguises. “Don’t make eye contact with the guy working the desk if you can help it. We want to be as forgettable as possible.”

“Got it. I bet they have one of those displays with pamphlets of things to do in the area. I’ll browse through them while you check us in.”

“Good thinking.” She sure rolled with the punches well.

Hand in hand, they walked into the lobby of the motel. Cassie played her role to a tee. As soon as they entered the lobby, she kissed his cheek and moseyed on over to the brochure display. Try as he might, Viper couldn’t stop the rush of blood to his cock when her soft lips brushed his stubbled face.

The clerk moved slow as shit, but Cassie had managed to look interested in what the area had to offer the entire fifteen minutes it took him to check them in and pay with cash as Mr. and Mrs. Dickerson. The clerk handed over a key with a large rectangular acrylic keychain. A peeling, metallic number seven indicated their room. After walking out with his arm around Cassie, Viper moved his bike, parking right outside the room so Sarge could find them easily. As long as his brother hadn’t hit any major snags, he would be rolling into town at any time.

Once they arrived at their room, Viper spent a solid thirty seconds working the key into the rusted lock. Cassie stood so close, he could feel the slight tremor of her body, probably a combination of fear and cold. Finally, the door swung open to reveal an unimpressive motel room. He suppressed a chuckle. In her most terrifying nightmares, Cassie probably never imagined herself staying in a place with stained yellow walls, the distinct odor of stale cigarettes, and frayed bedding.

“After you, m’lady,” Viper said, sweeping his arm in a grand gesture.

With a snort, Cassie stepped on into the room. Slowly, she spun. “Classy place.” Her eyes twinkled despite the wariness in her voice. Then she shrugged. “Though it’s about a thousand times better than where I was headed, so it’s a palace as far as I’m concerned.” The teasing expression turned into one of sincere gratitude.

Damn, she kept surprising him. He’d at least expected a wrinkled nose or a shudder at the accommodations from the girl who grew up with a silver spoon. Looked like he had a lot to learn about the rich girl he’d rescued.

As she continued to scan their home for the next few days, Cassie drew the hood off her head. Her hair was a mess from the ride, giving her a rumbled look made cuter when combined with her wind-reddened cheeks.

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