Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 25

As though driven by an invisible force, Viper walked to her. He’d only had the barest of touches, yet his hands itched to feel her skin once again. “Let me help,” he said, sliding his hands behind her neck. She kept her mesmerizing green gaze locked with his as he worked her long auburn hair out of the sweatshirt. This time, he didn’t even try to pretend he wasn’t touching her for selfish purposes. He stroked the pads of his fingertips along her neck, tracing her hairline.

A soft puff of air left her lips, and she quivered as she’d done in the parking lot.

“That tickles,” she whispered as her eyelids fell shut.

“Yeah?” He took a step closer. All he had to do was bend a few inches forward, and those gloss-free lips would be his. For the first time since he started having sex at fifteen, he hesitated. She was a goddamned virgin. A virgin who’d been kidnapped, roughed up, and sold. He might have saved her before they raped her, but still, she couldn’t be feeling too great about his gender at the moment. “Want me to stop?”

A slight smile curled her lips, tempting him even further. “No. Definitely don’t stop. It tickles in a good way. In a tingly—”

“Well, shit, didn’t think I’d be a third fucking wheel.”

Cassie’s eyes flew open and she jumped away from Viper’s touch.

Shit. He turned to find Sarge standing with his shoulder propped against the door frame, arms crossed, and a shit-eating grin on his face. Viper sent an apologetic smile Cassie’s way before running his hand down his face. Nothing he could do to hide the obvious boner tenting his jeans.

Christ, he hadn’t even closed the damn door. Whatever fascination he was developing with Cassie was causing him to lose sight of the big picture. And that could be fucking fatal.

Remaining aware of his surroundings had to be in the forefront of his brain at all times. He couldn’t neglect simple shit like closing and locking doors or they might all end up with bullets lodged in their brains. Well, all but Cassie. Her fate would be even worse. At some point, the club would realize they’d been played and initiate a manhunt. He and Sarge needed to remain vigilant at all times.

Getting lost in the beauty, strength, and courage of Cassie wouldn’t keep anyone alive.

“Hey, brother,” he said as he put a few feet of distance between him and Cassie. “Any trouble getting out of town?”

Sarge shook his head, but his focus lingered squarely on Cassie, whose face had turned an adorable shade of pink

“Sarge this is Cassie. Cas, Sarge.”

“Hi, Sarge,” she squeaked. “I know it’s not nearly adequate, but I want to say thank you.”

With a nod for her, Sarge strode into the room. He made a big production of closing and locking the door. Viper rolled his eyes. If possible, Cassie’s face turned an even deeper shade of fuchsia.

“Ain’t a thing, doll,” Sarge said with a wink for Cassie, as though they’d helped load her groceries in her trunk instead of rescuing her from sex traffickers.

“Everything go as planned?” Viper asked. Cassie inched a step closer to him. Then another. And one more until her shoulder bumped his. And, damn, if he didn’t like the fuck out of that. Meant she felt safe with him. Wanted to be near him. Maybe it was just the high stress of the situation, but he had the distinct urge to puff out his chest and beat his fists against his pecs, Tarzan-style. Instead, he wrapped an arm around her shoulders and tucked her to his side. No point in fucking pretending, Sarge had already walked in on him seconds from devouring her.

“Yeah, it’s all good,” Sarge said, eyes shifting between Viper and Cassie. “Place burned fast. All that dry wood. The body burned too, but not enough to be unrecognizable. Now we just gotta hope it buys us enough time to get across the country before the coroner IDs the guy and everyone figures out it’s not really a Scoundrel.”

“Where are you going?” Cassie asked, looking up at Viper.

“Tennessee,” he said.

“Oh, wow, that is across the country, isn’t it?”

Was it his imagination, or did she sound disappointed he’d be going so far?

“That’s the point.” Sarge scratched the back of his neck then met Viper’s gaze. After prospecting together for a year, they’d developed a sort of non-verbal communication. It’d come in handy, even saved their asses a few times. Tonight, though, Sarge didn’t seem to be picking up what Viper was putting down. And that was to keep his ass in the motel room. Priority one was not being discovered.

“Okay, kids, I’m all amped up. Need to find a place to blow off some steam. Wanna join?”

Damnit, could he be more oblivious? Leaving Viper and Cassie alone was a bad fucking idea. He could only resist so much temptation.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024