Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 32

And what a sight it was. He shouted through his release, throwing back his head and thrusting into her with a powerful slam. His body tensed, muscles straining before he went limp, collapsing down onto her.

“Jesus,” he whispered into her neck. “You okay?”

“I’m perfect,” she said, stroking his damp back. “So, so perfect.” Even though he’d softened, she could still feel him in her oversensitive channel.

He grunted then rolled to his side, taking her with him. As they spun, he slipped from her body. The sense of loss startled her, but it didn’t linger. Two strong arms curled around her and snuggled her back against his chest, reestablishing the connection. Even though they were in legitimate danger, she’d never felt safer or more content in her life.

At her back, his heart tapped out a rapid rhythm. As the minutes ticked by, and their bodies relaxed, she found her heart matching the beat of his.

The calm peace of looming sleep began to soak into her exhausted bones. Just as her body was falling into a deep state of relaxation a shocking thought had her eyes flying open.

She could fall for this man. This rough, tough, biker who risked his life to save a woman he’d never met.

What would the morning bring? In a few short hours, the sun would rise and plans would be made. Would they drop her somewhere along their route? Would they leave her there in Oregon? She couldn’t go back to Washington, living every day of her life terrified the Devil’s Tribe would find her and take her again.

Was there a chance he’d allow her to tag along?

She closed her eyes and willed sleep to come. Surprisingly enough she found herself drifting off in a matter of minutes.

The heat and safety of the man coiled around her freed her to allow rest.

Right before fully slipping under, her subconscious issued a firm warning.

Don’t get too comfortable, Cassandra.


1982 - OREGON

Nothing like waking up to the sound of a door creaking open while lethal men were searching for him. The second the sound registered, Viper jolted up as though he’d been hit with a cattle prod. His gaze immediately sought the door as he moved to cover Cassie without thought. The instinct to protect her with his life came as naturally as breathing.

“Just me,” Sarge whispered as he shut the door behind him.

Fuck me. Viper nearly passed out from the flip-flop of fear to safety.

There was an audible click then the lamp next to the empty bed turned on. It flickered a few times before finally casting a dim glow into the room.

“What time is it?” Viper asked. Now that he knew the club wasn’t busting through the door, he allowed his muscles to relax and lose the attack-ready tension.

“’Bout four-thirty.” Sarge smirked. “Guess you and the used-to-be virgin had a good time, huh?”

Viper grunted. No way was he about to tell Sarge what a wildcat Cassie had been in bed. He wasn’t sure what had happened there at the end, but it wasn’t like anything he’d ever experienced. If it wouldn’t make him sound like such a pussy to voice it out loud, he’d swear their hearts melded into one.

“You still good with the plan?” Sarge asked, sounding vulnerable for the first time since Viper met him. Had it just been last night he’d spoken those same words as they sat outside the shack preparing to liberate Cassie?

He cast his brother a narrow-eyed look. “You know better than to ask me that shit. You think I’m gonna bail now?”

Sarge’s gaze landed on the sleeping Cassie before he shrugged. “Things change.”

Shit. Viper made sure she was fully covered before propping himself against the headboard. “I’m not gonna flake out on you, brother. Staying here would be suicide, and I’m not planning to run off without you either.”

Sarge removed his boots then lined them up at the foot of his bed. He was the neatest fucker Viper had ever met. A leftover from his army days. Apparently, some shit had been drilled so deep into his head; he’d never dropped the habit. Once Sarge was barefooted, he flopped back on the bed, curling an arm under his head. “This more than a fuck?” he asked, his gaze on the cracked ceiling.

Viper glanced down at Cassie. She slept on her stomach, face turned away. He couldn’t resist stroking his hand up and down the gorgeous slope of her back. She didn’t even stir from the noise of their conversation or his touch. A testament to just how exhausted she’d been. If the warmth in his chest was any indication, this was definitely more than a fuck. At the very least, he wasn’t ready to walk away from her. “Not sure. Think it might be.”

“Viper?” Cassie’s sleepy voice had him smiling. “Is everything okay?”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024