Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 36

“No worries at all.” Makenna smiled then started that gentle back and forth swaying again.

“It was lovely to meet you, Makenna.” Cassie leaned in and tweaked the little girl’s nose eliciting a round of sweet baby giggles. “And it was extra lovely to meet you, Emmie. I’ll let you two get back to your shopping while I try not to maim anyone else.”

With that, she headed back toward the handle of her shopping cart only to be stopped by Makenna’s voice. “Um, may I ask you a question?”

Cassie turned again. “Sure, of course.”

Makenna shifted her gaze to the ground as her face pinked. “Um, I’m new in town and looking for a job. You wouldn’t happen to know of anyone hiring, would you?” Not once did she lift her gaze to make eye contact, but the gesture didn’t come across as impolite. Instead, it held the heavy weight of shame.

Now that Cassie took a closer look, she noticed the way Emmie’s pale pink dress hung too large on her little toddler frame. And Makenna’s tattered jeans and faded T-shirt spoke to limited funds, as did the toe peeking through the front of her canvas sneakers.

Whatever this woman’s story, Cassie had no doubt it held plenty of pain and challenges. She wanted to gather the two of them up in her arms and promise to help in any way she could.

There you go again, Mama V the mother hen. Viper’s voice rang in her ears bringing a smile to her lips and an ache to her heart. The man knew her well.

“You know, one of my dear friends owns the diner in town. I’m pretty sure they can use some extra help waiting tables. Would that work for you?”

As though Cassie had offered her a million dollars, Makenna lit up. “Oh yes,” she said, a huge grin spreading across her face. “That would be wonderful. Perfect actually!”

For the first time in nearly two weeks, a lightness allowed Cassie’s chest to expand to full capacity. It felt as though she’d taken her first full breath in ages. “Here,” she pulled her phone from her back pocket. “What’s your number? I’ll check with my friend and get you the details.”

Makenna rattled off her phone number starting with an area code Cassie didn’t recognize.

“Thank you so much for this. I mean it.” She shifted Emmie to her other hip.

“I’m more than happy to help. It’s the least I can do for mowing you down.”

Makenna giggled, and Emmie patted her big sister’s cheek. “Please, don’t worry about it. Doesn’t hurt a bit anymore,” she said, capturing the little girl’s hand and giving it a kiss.

“Well, good. I’ll be in touch soon. Bye, cutie,” She waved at Emmie who grinned and waved back with enthusiasm.

After a quick goodbye, Makenna was on her way, toddler squirming and asking to get down. As they reached the end of the aisle, Cassie could have sworn she heard Emmie say, “Mama got a boo-boo?” But that couldn’t be correct. Makenna had clearly said they were sisters.

Cassie returned to her cart and went about her business, grabbing the remaining few items on her list. It was as she placed a bottle of maple syrup in her cart that an unsettling thought occurred to her. Toni could no doubt use some extra help at the diner, but would she hire someone outside their MC circle? Not long ago, the diner had been damaged in the bombing by the Chrome Disciples that had killed Viper. Repairs had begun immediately, and with Rocket at the helm, restoration was expected to be completed in record time.

Would the club be willing to hire an outsider? And if they were willing, would it even be safe for Makenna to work at the diner? Maybe she’d mention it to Copper and Shell at dinner. Get their take on things.

Copper had done wonders for the club, dragging it up from the gutter Sarge landed it in when he’d been the president. Throughout the years, the MC had gone through numerous changes. Some fantastic transitions that strengthened the club, but others that had weakened the bond between members. Back when Viper joined, their primary source of income was weapons distribution as their rivals did now. Beyond being a dangerous game, weapons trafficking inevitably led to federal investigations and arrests.

Cassie had spent countless nights awake in bed chewing her nails to the skin as she waited for Viper to return home safely. Some, maybe most, of the men kept every single bit of club business to themselves. Viper hadn’t been like that. Hell, he’d passed along too much information. If his presidents had known half of what he’d told her, they’d flip their shit. Well, maybe not Copper. She had a feeling he’d been on to Viper’s blabber mouth when it came to her. But Cassie had never betrayed Viper’s confidence and for them, it had worked. She’d never functioned well when kept in the dark and sharing his burdens with her had kept Viper sane as well.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024