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Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9)

Page 54

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Sarge wanted a clean and easy path to a high-ranking position in the club but the road was long, slow, and winding. Re-prospecting had prolonged his goals. Patience was a virtue the man didn’t possess.

“Just thinking about my weekend away with Viper,” she said, baring her teeth. “It’s gonna be sweet.” Sometimes their verbal sparring matches were fun. She’d probably feel that way all the time if his egging her on wasn’t constant.

He snorted. “Keep telling yourself that, princess.”

Ugh, the princess thing?

That had to freakin’ go.

“Thanks, darlin’,” he drawled to Cindy. “Don’t forget to keep ’em coming.”

“You got it, handsome.” With a wink and a sway of her hips, Cindy was off to the next table, half-full tray balancing as though it weighed nothing more than if it were empty.

Sarge cocked his head and leaned so far sideways, he nearly fell out of the booth. “Now that is an ass.”

“Takes one to know one,” Cassie muttered then bit her lower lip.

Shit, that had popped out without thought. Though it was quite on point.

Beside her, Viper snorted then burst out laughing. “She’s got you there, brother.” He stretched his arm across the booth until his hand cupped her bare shoulder.

“You know what, fuck you,” Sarge said to Viper. Then he looked to her and flipped her the bird. “And fuck you. Maybe if you had an ass like her you wouldn’t have been a virgin until Viper took pity on you and fucked you. Though I suppose you wouldn’t have been a virgin for long even if we hadn’t been there, huh?”

Cassie sucked in a breath.

“What the fuck, Sarge?” Viper said. His arm disappeared from her shoulder as he leaned forward and slammed his drink on the table. Liquid sloshed over the top of the glass. “Too far, brother. Back the fuck off.”

Or I’ll make you…

The words weren’t spoken, but the intention was clear as Viper vibrated with tension.

“Fuck.” Sarge broke the staring match first, shifting his gaze to the side as he ran a hand through his hair. “Sorry, Cas. Didn’t mean that shit. It was over the line…” He shrugged.

She caught Viper’s worried glance and gave what she hoped was a reassuring smile. Neither he nor Sarge could have known the man played right into her fears. “No worries. I started it.”

“Nah, what you said was funny. I’m just being a shit.” He shoved down the length of the booth then stood. I’m gonna take a leak. Get me another whiskey?”

Viper nodded.

So did Sarge, then he strode away from the table.

The second he was out of earshot, Cassie whispered, “Viper what the hell is going on?”

He sipped his whiskey, slung his arm across his shoulders again, and shook his head, looking casual as could be. “Not sure. But this is one of Vito’s bars. Pretty sure the bartender our waitress is dating is Marco, his number two.”

Her head spun as the implications of his words began to process. After flicking a glance toward the bar she spoke in Viper’s ear. “Vito, as in the mafia arms dealer the club would love to work with but who won’t give you the time of day?” To anyone looking on, it would appear that they were just having a personal chat.

“That’s the one.” Viper’s posture remained relaxed. “Vito’s all but told the club to fuck off. He’s getting pissed that Cutter keeps pushing to do business with him and last I heard he threatened to fuck with us if we didn’t back off. Not sure what message Cutter is passing along, or why he’s going about it this way.”

“Would Cutter send two prospects alone for something that could go bad?” She bit her lower lip. “What if Sarge is lying?”

Finally, Viper faced her, and the worry was plain on his face. “I don’t have a clue. Maybe you should tell him you’re not feeling well. See if you can either get him to leave with us or you can get a cab back to Townsend.”

She shook her head before he’d even finished the sentence. “No way. I’m not leaving you here. Come with me.”

He sighed and she knew what his answer would be. “Babe, I can’t just leave him without any kind of backup. I know it’ll cost a mint, but just get a cab home.” He toyed with her long ponytail where it hung down her back.

As annoying as Sarge had become, Viper was right. He couldn’t and wouldn’t ever leave a brother hanging. That core of loyalty was one of the characteristics that drew her to him. And made her wonder at times if he truly loved her or if he stayed with her out of responsibility since he’d not only saved her but brought her to Tennessee.

“Yeah, you’re right. But you’re crazy if you think I’m leaving here without you. All I’ll do at home is sit on the couch and freak the fuck out.”

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