Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 59

A malicious grin curved Marco’s lip. “Because I’ve got cash. That’s usually all it takes to get what I want.”

With a shake of his head, Sarge said. “They don’t work that way. Trust trumps money in their world. They trust me. They don’t know you from the hole in my ass. Look, I’m offering you a profitable business relationship here. Take it or leave it, I’m not gonna wait around all night for this shit.”

Was this proposal anywhere on Cutter’s radar or did Sarge act alone, making decisions far above his pay grade?

Finally, Marco released his hold on Cassie’s hair. She stumbled, nearly falling, but caught herself on the bar at the last second. Viper had to lock his knees out to keep from charging for her. She stared at him, silent tears still falling as her eyes pleaded for this to be over. He nodded once and the unspoken message seemed to be received.

He was so damn proud of her strength and quick thinking.

“I’ll take it to Vito. Don’t know what he’ll say, but we’ll be in touch.”

“You’ve got twenty-four hours,” Sarge said before he turned and walked toward the door as though he held the power in the room.

Marco laughed. “Your dick ain’t the biggest here, biker. I’ll find you when Vito is good and ready.”

Sarge turned and opened his mouth to speak, but Viper cut him off. “There’s no time limit. He’ll be ready to talk when you are.”

Marco shifted his attention to Viper with a nod. “Shame I won’t get to fuck your woman. Were she his, I wouldn’t be so generous. At the very least, I think I deserve a taste.”

Viper lunged forward as Marco’s hand shot out, grasping Cassie by the hair once again. He spun her and slammed his mouth down on hers in one smooth motion.

Cassie’s panicked shriek had Viper’s hands curling. Marco was a fucking dead man.

“Don’t fucking think about it.” Sarge’s arms wrapped around Viper’s middle in a tight as fuck bear hug. He was yanked back against Sarge’s chest. “Do not fuck this up for us.”

Was this fucker for real?

Cassie beat her fists against Marco’s broad chest as he held her face and ravaged her mouth, but she might as well have been hitting a brick wall. The man’s tongue speared into her mouth, making her visibly gag. Viper was immediately sent back in time to the moment his high school sweetheart Vanessa told him she’d been raped. The same helplessness he felt then reared its big fat fucking head and Viper wanted to howl until the windows shattered.

All of a sudden, Marco jerked back, pressing a hand to his lip.

Fuck yeah, baby.

“You fucking, bitch,” he said with a growl as he slapped Cassie across the face. Her head whipped to the side with a cry. “Get the fuck outta here before I change my mind and keep you. You need to be taught a lesson or two.”

Cassie didn’t need to be told twice. She scrambled over the top of the bar and sprinted toward Viper and Sarge. When she was close enough to reach, Sarge released him. Viper started for Marco, but Cassie grabbed his arms.

“No,” she said, breathless. “Forget him. Let’s just go. Please, let’s just g-go.” As she begged, she pulled on his arms. Viper forced his attention away from his target and onto his woman. As soon as he caught the despair in her gaze and the bruise already forming on her cheek, all thoughts of Marco fled. His woman needed him and that was all that mattered today, tomorrow, or twenty years in the future.

“Come on, baby,” he said, pressing a soft kiss to her forehead. Slinging an arm around her shoulder, he turned for the door and guided her out, not sparing a glance for Sarge. That fucker could follow or not. He didn’t give a shit.

“Viper,” Cassie whispered when they reached his bike. “I’m so sorry. I should have gotten a cab like you suggested. Or I never should have gone through with that stupid bet. I don’t know what—”

“Shhh.” He kissed her temple. “We’ll talk about everything, but we need to get out of here first. Need help getting on the bike?”

“No. I got it.”

He mounted his baby and Cassie climbed on behind him. Sarge hopped on his own bike and tore out of the parking lot. Following at a close distance, Viper tried not to fantasize about Sarge driving off the edge of the goddammed mountain.

The feel of Cassie’s soft body molded to his was the only thing keeping him grounded when he wanted to tear something apart. Something like Sarge’s face.

After riding with him for a year, Cassie had grown to love the bike and typically held on with a loose grip as she took in the sights and enjoyed the feeling of flying through the mountain roads. Tonight, she plastered her entire body against his back, so close, every breath she took registered against him. Along with the shaky exhales. Her thin arms were locked around his waist with fistfuls of his T-shirt in each hand. Once he got her home, he’d be ordering her to bed for the next twenty-four hours.

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024