Viper (Hell's Handlers MC 9) - Page 64

Placing her hand over his, Cassie shook her head. “No, I don’t. What I need is a hot shower, a pint of ice cream, and a solid day in bed with you.”

He looked like he wanted to argue but nodded instead. “That sounds perfect, baby, but don’t think I won’t be checking your injuries first.”

The man took such amazing care of her. “Wouldn’t expect anything less.” She took his hand and together they walked back toward his bike. “I love you,” she said before he helped her on the back.

After a soft kiss, he rested his forehead against hers. “Fuck, I like hearing that. Please keep saying it.”

“Forever,” she whispered and there wasn’t a doubt in her heart she’d live up to that promise.



So much changed after the night Sarge brought them to Marco’s bar. For a time, Viper struggled to remain close to his brother. After a few weeks, Cassie’s bruises had faded, but she’d have been lying if she’d said she hadn’t been plagued with a nightmare or two. Maybe had Viper not woken to her whimpers and unconscious begging not to be harmed, he could have forgiven Sarge and moved on faster, but it didn’t go down that way. The guys’ relationship had suffered. For years, the next three or so, the two men coexisted and worked well together, but the friendship they’d had dissolved into merely an association due to club loyalty.

Another surprise to have come of that night was the president’s willingness to engage in Sarge’s plan. Actually, he’d jumped on the idea and within the month Vito, Marco, and the Handlers became partners, selling weapons Sarge’s contact pilfered from the military. Viper hadn’t reacted well at first, mostly because of how she’d been treated in Marco’s bar. About a week after the incident, Marco’s motorcycle had been reported stolen. A few days later, it was found in an abandoned shed, fired, charred and smoldering. The man had been insane with rage, but with many enemies, had no idea where to turn that fury. They’d never spoken of it, but Cassie was pretty certain Viper had been responsible and while he’d have loved Marco to know he’d been the one, he couldn’t risk his club that way. He’d had to settle for anonymous vengeance.

Cassie sighed into her coffee. Those days seemed like lifetimes ago, yet they’d been integral in creating the life she had today.

“Hey, Mama V.” Jazz’s voice had her snapping back to present day. She accepted kisses and hugs from both Jazz and Shell before they slid into the booth opposite her.

“Sorry,” Shell said. “We didn’t mean to startle you.” Both women wore teal shirts with the diner’s logo over their left breast. Denim skirts completed their uniforms. Jazz’s short black hair was styled in its usual funky, pixyish style while Shell’s blonde curls which had grown considerably since she became pregnant, were high on her head in a long ponytail. Each had coffee as well, and Shell appeared to be giving into a craving with a giant plate of French fries set in front of her.

Cassie put down her mug and smiled at the women she considered her adopted children and best friends. “You didn’t. I was just lost in thoughts of the past.”

They shared a look before sending sympathetic smiles her way.

“I imagine that happens a lot these days,” Jazz said, shaking out two sugar packets. She tore into them and dumped the contents into her black coffee. “Thinking about the past, I mean.”

“Hand me a couple of those,” Shell said. “If I add enough sugar, I feel like I’m getting a caffeine buzz from this decaf nonsense.”

With a snort, Jazz slid the small ceramic dish of sugar packets Shell’s way.

“Good memories?” Shell asked as she pulled out four packets.

Cassie winced, feeling the cavities develop just looking at all that sweetness sprinkling into Shell’s cup. “For the most part. Actually, I’ve kinda been reliving our relationship from the beginning. Just now, I was remembering the falling out your dad and Viper had back before you were born. Actually, it started the night he met your mom.”

Shell paused with the mug halfway to her lips. “Really? I’ve heard the drama of that story and how my dad acted like a bit of a lunatic, but I didn’t realize it caused a lasting rift between you all.” She set the mug back down without taking a sip then leaned her arms on the table. “So what happened? How long did it last? What eventually connected you guys back together? Because I remember you all being fairly close when I was a child. I mean, Dad chose Viper to be his VP.” She grabbed three fries and took a huge bite.

Jazz snorted as Cassie chuckled.

“What?” Shell asked, mouth full. “Don’t judge. You try growing Copper’s spawn and we’ll see how hungry you are.”

Tags: Lilly Atlas Hell's Handlers MC Romance
Source: Copyright 2016 - 2024